By Richard ArndtJune 1, 2010

DESERET CHEMICAL DEPOT, STOCKTON, Utah - Workers safely destroyed the last

explosively-configured mustard agent-filled munition today at the Tooele Chemical Agent

Disposal Facility (TOCDF) located at Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD).

Now that 4.2 inch mortar disposal operations have been completed, only bulk containers

of mustard agent remain to be processed at the disposal facility.

With more than 26,000 safe On-Site-Container (ONC) deliveries to the TOCDF plant,

more than one million munitions destroyed and nearly 90 percent of the original DCD stockpile

eliminated, the Depot Commander feels confident in the abilities of the workforce. "Our DCD

team is dedicated, skilled and well trained," said Col. Gerald L. Gladney. "I couldn't be more

proud of what we have accomplished here today."

Gary McCloskey, vice president and general manager of the TOCDF system contractor,

URS, said, "Our workers did an excellent job during this munitions destruction campaign,

successfully resolving various processing challenges en route to the safe elimination of the

mortars ahead of schedule. I congratulate them."

Following the successful destruction of mustard agent-filled 4.2 inch mortars, TOCDF

Site Project Manager, Ted Ryba, said, "With only bulk containers remaining to be processed, we

will have an opportunity to begin early decommissioning activities." TOCDF officials have

already begun planning for these activities, which include removal of equipment previously used

to disassemble projectiles and mortars and decommissioning of the deactivation furnace system

(used to destroy the explosive components).

Despite making this mark and declaring victory, nearly 350 reject-munitions remain.

These are munitions that could not be processed in the TOCDF and will remain in safe storage

until plans to use an explosive detonation technology inside DCD's adjacent storage area are

complete and ready to address these rounds.