The Army Training Concept

By CAC-T for STAND-TO!May 15, 2010

The Army Training Concept

What is it'

The Army Training Concept (ATC) is a new Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) concept capability plan for the future 2012-2020 Modular Force. The ATC describes the training requirements and capabilities for the Army to generate and sustain trained units that can successfully conduct full-spectrum operations (FSO) across the spectrum of conflict in an uncertain joint, interagency, intergovernmental and multinational (JIIM) environment over an extended period. Separate from and complementary to the Army Leader Development Strategy (ALDS), it informs the development of the Army Training Strategy, and exploits the synergy across the training domains to achieve Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN) objectives.

The Army Training Concept scheduled for colonel-level review in June 2010, is planned for publishing, as a TRADOC PAM 525 series document, in October 2010.

What has the Army done'

The seasoned combat-ready force we have today has effectively conducted FSO in a complex, irregular warfare (IW) environment for eight years. But we now must provide the next generation of leaders with the right training environment to perform FSO successfully anywhere along the spectrum of conflict. Constrained dwell time has caused leaders to use CTCs to train tasks previously trained at home station. Further, the IW focus of the past decade has limited training from being conducted at the high-end of the spectrum of conflict. To enhance and facilitate home station FSO training against hybrid (conventional, irregular, terrorist, and criminal) threats, the Army is developing the Integrated Training Environment (ITE)-a seamless interconnected combination of live, virtual and constructive simulations; scenarios; and command and control systems. The ITE is the backbone of the ATC and begins fielding in 2012. It will facilitate Brigade-level FSO Mission Essential Task List proficiency at home stations.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future'

The draft ATC is being staffed across the Army for comments. In 2012, the Army will field ITE infrastructure across 12 posts, ending in 2016. As dwell time improves, leaders will be able to maximize home station training and shift the CTC focus to a more demanding FSO culminating training event.

Why is the Army Training Concept important to the Army'

The ATC identifies the requirements for future FSO training capabilities. Once documented and approved in the Joint Capabilities Integration Development System (JCIDS), these capabilities will have a better chance of being funded in the Program Objective Memorandum.


<a href=" " target="_blank"> ARMY Magazine June 2009 Volume 59, Number 6: Training Development for an Expeditionary Army - Gen. Martin E. Dempsey</a>

<a href="" target="_blank"> U.S. Army Posture Statement on ATC</a>