Education center reports increase in 'diploma mill' degrees

By Press releaseMay 13, 2010

There has been an increase in the number of "diploma mill" documents that have recently surfaced at Fort Sill, according to officials at the Harry S Truman Army Education Center here.

A "diploma mill" is a school that offers certificates, degrees and diplomas for a fee. These schools are not accredited and are not recognized by the Department of Education. Tuition assistance is not approved for these schools, promotion points are not authorized, and the credential will not be posted to official military personnel records.

Per military personnel message 10-109 issued April 15, "Soldiers are reminded of the importance of working with Army educators to ensure they are not enticed into purchasing fraudulent educational diplomas/transcripts from unscrupulous vendors."

Soldiers who knowingly purchase one of these documents from a diploma mill and attempt to have it placed in their official military personnel file may be subject to appropriate adverse administrative action including action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

If a Soldier has questions on a school's accreditation, call your local education center.