Fort Drum Guthrie Clinic Hourly Care clinic supports patients

By Kate AgrestiApril 27, 2010

Anyone who is assigned to Fort Drum knows that construction abounds across the installation. The U.S. Army Medical Department Activity is no exception.

Projects completed over the past year include the Guthrie Clinic Hourly Care Annex, which provides child care while patients visit their medical and/or dental appointments on Fort Drum.

"In an effort to provide the best care possible for our patients and to ensure the safety of young children who are accompanying their parents or older siblings for an appointment, we recommend our beneficiaries take advantage of the Hourly Child Care facility," said Lt. Col. Gail Glushko, deputy commander for clinical services.

"This child care center, co-located with the Guthrie Clinic, provides a very safe, convenient and accessible place for young children to be supervised while their parent or sibling is undergoing medical care at the clinic," Glushko added.

The facility was made possible by the support of the Fort Drum Garrison and partnership between MEDDAC and Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation.

"The development of the child care annex concept into the completed project was relatively easy due to the partnership between Child, Youth and School Services, (FMWR); Directorate of Public Works; and MEDDAC," said Maj. Ross A. Davidson, chief of logistics, USA MEDDAC. "The team focused their energies on producing a safe, accessible, stress-free environment to serve the Soldiers and Families of Fort Drum. The completed project is a testament to that effort."

The GCHCA, which opened March 1, is staffed by Christine Oliver, supervisory program lead, with Amber O'Connor and Charlotte Garrett, child and youth program assistants.

"We have two sides for the children," Oliver said. "The preschool side can hold 10 children. The infant / toddler side can hold two infants, five pretoddlers and seven toddlers. Children, ages 6 weeks to 12 years, can stay for up to three hours at the facility, participating in age-appropriate activities."

Oliver said parents have responded positively to the new on-site child care facility.

"Parents like the new service and on-site child care option," Oliver said. "Many have responded, saying it is more convenient in the same building. In addition, saving the extra gas for travel is a benefit."

The hourly care facility is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday; registration is required. To register children for care at Guthrie Hourly Child Care Annex, parents should make an appointment with Parent Central Services by calling 772-8675.

Cost of care is $3.50 per hour. The facility also will accept Army Family Covenant benefits.

Advanced reservations are recommended. Walk-in appointments are welcome on a space-available basis. For more information, call 774-2439.