Internet-Based Capabilities enhanced on U.S. Army Europe networks

By Mr. Jonathon Gray (USAREUR)April 14, 2010

WIESBADEN, Germany (Apr. 14, 2010) - Internet-Based Capabilities, to include

Social Media Web sites such as Facebook and Myspace, can now be accessed

from U.S. Army Europe Nonsecure Internet Protocol Router Network computers.

"Opening up these Internet-Based Capabilities is an important step to allow

users to connect, communicate, and research by leveraging this growing

resource," said Col. John A. Cox, acting commander, 5th Signal Command.

The USAREUR policy is a product of recent announcements by both Department

of Defense and Department of the Army officials to allow access to sites.

Though the policy has been updated, securing the network is still a critical

priority. USAREUR network usage is monitored, cautions Cox: "It's important

to remember that even though these network resources are turned on and

accessible, users are on a Department of Defense Information System.

Activities on IBC sites will still be monitored and users should act

according to the Acceptable Use Policy they signed."

USAREUR Operation Communications and Information Systems and 5th Signal

Command will constantly monitor these tools and update respective controls

and security measures to protect the users and the network while enhancing

network capabilities.

"We have basic network protection in place and will continue to monitor the

network for malicious activity associated with IBC," said Lt. Col. Kurt A.

Schosek, Director Europe-Theater Network Operations and Security Center, 5th

Signal Command.

Beyond the technological security of the network, users of DoD computer

systems still have to be aware of the content of sites they visit. Users can

better protect the computers and themselves by being observant and watchful,

connecting only with sites that are known and not following unknown links or

messages to different sites and pages. Operational Security is also a key


"Our biggest help to security and the integrity of the network is the

users," said Cox. "Soldiers and civilians must remain vigilant and aware of

what they do on the computers and remember that network is a tool of our

national defense that we depend on to accomplish our missions. We must

protect it."

IBC capabilities will only be allowed a limited amount of data transfer

speed on the network to allow mission critical data to continue. "These

and other measures are in place to ensure IBC capabilities will not

adversely affect mission critical operations," said Schosek. "This

guarantees that our network will still be active and available for all


For Information Assurance Awareness training, please visit Additional information is

available to computer users on the EUR domain at

Users can follow the "News" or "Links" sections for IA training

opportunities and information.

For further information on IBC and the impact to the network, please contact

your information assurance officer, your servicing computer help desk, or

dial 119.

POC for this release is Lawrence Torres III, public affairs officer, 5th

Signal Command at 0611-705-8033 (commercial), 337-8033 (DSN), or

Related Links:

Information Assurance Awareness training

Additional information for EUR users