Circus Brings Fun, Laughs to CDC

By Christina Mennella, Pentagram Staff WriterApril 2, 2010

Circus Brings Fun, Laughs to CDC
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Military children at the Cody Child Development Center Wednesday didn't have to wait to be taken to the circus, because Ringling Brothers Circus brought the show to them.

"It's exciting for me to participate in events like these with the military especially to honor the Month of the Military Child," said Tina Miser, a human cannonball for the circus and former Air Force reservist.

"Anything that involves the military, I like to be a part of. It's my way to give back for their service to our country."

Sean Davis, a clown and former Marine who served in the Gulf War, included many of the children and CDC staff in his acts.

Davis juggled and dropped the balls on purpose to give the kids a good laugh. He called CDC staff members up to the front to participate in a balancing act. Then he removed the chairs and the staff struggled to keep their balance. The children laughed at the faltering adults.

"We were so excited about the circus because today we are kicking off the Month of the Military Child with the Ringling Barnum and Bailey Circus and the pinwheel celebration this afternoon," said Kerry Lawrence, parent outreach director at the CDC. "Anytime you can have a clown or a juggling act it makes for a great time and the children absolutely love the entertainment," she said.

"I was contacted by the circus, and they were willing to perform the free show over a month ago. We have been counting down the days because we knew it would be such an amazing event for them."

To amuse the children, Davis also balanced a plastic bat on his head and hands and invited kids to come up and try it for themselves. Some were quizzed on what they know about the circus.

Davis called on Parker Graham, a child from the center, from the audience to come up front with him. "What animal do you see at the circus with stripes'" Davis asked.

"A tiger," Parker yelled back. "No," said Davis. The youngster thought for a moment and yelled out, "A zebra."

"Yes," Davis replied, and everyone gave Parker a big round of applause for getting the answer right.

"Overall we are excited to be doing these events at several locations," said Art Swift, liaison for the circus. "We truly have a commitment to servicemembers and their Families. We are excited about engaging their Families in a lot of fun."