Columbus Blue Devils blank Pacelli Vikings


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The Columbus High School Blue Devils (Region 2-AAA) defeated the Pacelli High School Vikings (6AA/A) 8-0 Monday at Woodruff Farm Soccer Complex.

After several missed shots by the Blue Devils, Blue Devil Nathan Harrison scored on a penalty shot nine minutes into the first half to lead 1-0. The Vikings had a chance to score on a penalty kick, but missed, while the Blue Devils' Chase Braxton added one more goal during the final seconds of the first half, increasing Columbus' lead to 2-0 at the half.

Both teams battled back and forth for the ball in the second half. In the second half, Matt Majestic, Paul Anderson and Tyler Chappel added goals for Columbus. Braxton finished the game with a goal, sealing the 8-0 win.

"We had a lot of chances the first half and we could have put them away a lot earlier in the game, but we kept kicking (the ball) right at the keeper - he made six or seven saves," Blue Devils head coach Tom Perry said.

"At halftime, we talked about fundamentals, kicking the ball to the corners instead of straight to the keeper. Overall, the team worked hard and we did a good job of combination play."

The team wasn't playing at its best in the first half, said Blue Devil Shane Dempsey, son of LTC(R) Michael Dempsey.

"I thought we could have played better in the first half, but we were able to turn it around," he said. "We kicked more balls on the ground and put more shots on target in the second half."

Quick passes, and possession is what helped the team win, said Columbus' Stephen Anderson.

The Blue Devils are 5-1. Next up for the Blue Devils is the Roswell Hornets (6B-AAAAA) at 6 p.m. today in Roswell, Ga.

The Vikings will take on the Manchester Blue Devils (6AA/A) in a home game at Woodruff Farm Soccer Complex at 7 p.m. today.