28th Trans. Bn. conducts last Driver's Training Academy course

By Sgt. Adrienne KillingsworthFebruary 10, 2010

28th Trans. Bn. conducts last Driver's Training Academy course
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

MANNHEIM, Germany - The 21 Soldiers from 28th Transportation Battalion who gathered at the United Service Organizations on Benjamin Franklin Village in Mannheim, Germany, Feb. 2 to close out three weeks of driver's training hold a place of distinction in the battalion's history.

As the battalion continues to reduce its presence in preparation for its inactivation, the ceremony marks the last time that the 28th Trans. Bn. will conduct a graduation ceremony for the Driver's Training Academy.

Col. Thomas P. Evans, the commander of the18th Military Police Brigade, attended the DTA Graduation ceremony as the guest speaker, along with Maj. Nicole Heumphreus the 28th Trans. Bn. commander and 1st Sgt. Jade James, the acting command sergeant major.

Evans commended the Soldiers for a job well done and noted the importance of the training they received at the DTA.

"When you roll out of that motor pool," Evans said, "whether you are on the autobahns of Germany or the (main supply routes) of Iraq or Afghanistan, the job you do is dangerous."

The DTA is a requirement for Soldiers to drive military trucks within Germany. The course consists of three areas of training. They are one week of classroom learning, one week of hands-on specific vehicle training and one week of driving - with special emphasis on learning to back up trucks with trailers and driving with mirrors.

However, upon completion of the course, these Soldiers have only reached the beginning of their journey in obtaining their licenses. Once they return to their units, each Soldier must complete 3,000 miles of driving with an Army Motor Vehicle Instructor before they can be licensed.

Out of the entire graduating class, five of the graduating Soldiers trained for the ability to become AMVIs and will return to their units certified to train drivers.

Many of the Soldiers from February's graduating class are from units that have recently left the 28th Trans. Bn., 18th MP Bde., as a result of the restructuring of unit. As Evans looked around the room at the graduating class, he noted the progress of this transition.

"I can see some of the patches have already changed," he said, noticing the prevalence of 16th Sustainment Brigade patches in the room. Four units under the 28th Trans. Bn. were transferred to the 391st Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 16th Sust. Bde., last month.

As units and duties within the Mannheim military community are reorganized to prepare for the inactivation of the 28th Trans. Bn., responsibility for the DTA will transfer to the 391st CSSB, which will maintain the foundation of superior training and high standards that the 28th Trans. Bn. leaves behind.