CERDEC civilian earns Presidential Rank Award

By Kristen Kushiyama (CERDEC Public Affairs and Outreach)December 23, 2009

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/rdecom/4208712491/" title="Anthony Lisuzzo by RDECOM, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4017/4208712491_476110ff08_m.jpg" width="189" height="240" align="right" hspace="10" alt="Anthony Lisuzzo" /></a><STRONG>FORT MONMOUTH, N.J.</STRONG> - A senior civilian leader gained presidential recognition for outstanding service. Anthony Lisuzzo, director of the Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center's Intelligence and Information Warfare Directorate received the Presidential Rank Award.

Lisuzzo is among the five percent of career-appointed Senior Executive Service, or SES, presented the meritorious executive award. After a panel reviewed nominations, a select few were chosen by President Barack Obama.

The panel based selections on "exceptional service to the American people and demonstrated program driven results over an extended time period," according to the Office of Personnel Management web site.

"I didn't receive this award by myself, this was a team effort," Lisuzzo said. "There are a lot of entrepreneurs in CERDEC I2WD ... and they don't take 'no' as an answer. They take it as a challenge."

Lisuzzo said the intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and electronic warfare organization budget grew from $400 million more than $1 billion in about four years.

Since his SES appointment in October 2000, Lisuzzo has led an organization that's fielded a number of intelligence and information technologies aimed at enabling and protecting the Warfighter and law enforcement agencies.

Additionally, I2WD leverages its expertise to support other national intelligence requirements. Their efforts have won I2WD five of the U.S. Army's "Top Ten Greatest Inventions of the Year" awards since the Army started recognizing these inventions in 2002.

Most recently, I2WD was recognized in September for providing one of the "Top Ten Greatest Inventions of 2008" for Whisper, a system that features advanced electronic warfare equipment to detect critical radio controlled improvised explosive device threats used by the enemy.

Lisuzzo deliberately chose to continue his work in government. He said working hard and contributing to the Department of Defense is his way of giving back to the Warfighter and helping to protect those who put their lives on the line everyday for their fellow Americans.

"While attending symposiums and conferences, having Soldiers come up to me and thank the organization (I2WD) for the systems we developed that are attributed to saving there lives, that is the biggest award recognition," he said.

Lisuzzo said he enjoys the technology and development aspect is fun but took the management track because he thought he could have a greater impact and more control on which technologies went out to the field.

"This recognition is not a solo achievement, and I want to share it with my organization because it's their recognition as well as mine," he said. "This is a team effort with one common goal: protecting and ensuring that the Soldiers have the best equipment and the best capability for mission success."

Lisuzzo joins the ranks of three other CERDEC SESs to receive this distinguished award in recent years, CERDEC Director Gary Blohm and former CERDEC Director, now RDECOM Executive Deputy to the Commander, Gary Martin, and CERDEC Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate Director Fenner Milton.

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