Celebrate the holidays with safety in mind

By BG William T. WolfDecember 15, 2009

Just as in years past, members our Army Family will gather with loved ones this holiday season to honor traditions, reflect on the challenges and successes of 2009 and look with hope to 2010. As we come together with Family and friends, let us keep in mind the many Families at home with an empty seat at their table. Being part of an Army Family has inherent sacrifices, and it is especially important to remember those Families and their deployed loved ones during this holiday period.

Our Army draws its greatness and strength from our people. Each of you plays an important part in our success, and we need you to celebrate the holidays with safety in mind. During last year's holiday exodus, our Army lost four Soldiers to preventable off-duty vehicle accidents. All four were on leave and traveling to their homes when they were killed. Please take advantage of the tools and resources available on the U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center Web site at https://safety.army.mil to help plan your holiday travels and manage risk along the way.

We must take every precaution necessary, on both an individual and group level, to avoid similar tragedies during the holidays this year. I ask that you use your influence as leaders, Family members and friends to keep our Band of Brothers and Sisters safe during this special time and as we move forward into 2010. The simple act of looking out for one another is key to ensuring a joyous holiday celebration for all.

Thank you for what you do every day for our Soldiers, Families and civilians. I wish you and yours a happy, blessed and safe holiday season.

Army Safe Is Army Strong!

William T. Wolf

Brigadier General, USA

Director of Army Safety

Related Links:

U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center