Enlisted Involuntary Early Separation Program

By G-1November 30, 2009

Enlisted Involuntary Early Separation Program

What is it'

In conjunction with the Army's decision to eliminate Stop Loss for units deploying on or after Jan. 1, 2010, the Army is implementing a program designed to identify enlisted Soldiers for early involuntary separation. Soldiers assigned to a deploying unit, who decide not to reenlist or or extend under the provisions of the Deployment Enlistment Incentive Pay (DEIP) Program, will be subject to involuntary separation up to three months earlier than their contractual expiration term of service , or ETS, date.

Who is affected by this policy'

This policy applies to regular Army Soldiers, assigned to a unit deploying in support of a declared contingency operation, who have an ETS during the first six months of the scheduled deployment and elect not to reenlist or extend. Additionally, Soldiers must have at least 36 months active federal service, but no more than 71 months of total service at the time of separation.

How will this help the Army'

Last-minute personnel changes degrade unit cohesion and readiness. This program allows the Army to identify Soldiers preparing to ETS who will not deploy with the unit, then provide replacements for those Soldiers prior to the unit's deployment date. This ensures that there is ample time for new arrivals to get their families settled, effectively integrate into the unit and train on individual and collective tasks necessary to enhance survivability on the battlefield and successfully accomplish all missions.

What protections are in place for the Soldier'

This policy was designed to ensure that our Soldiers who have served the nation and our Army honorably would not be disadvantaged. Soldiers retain full eligibility for Post 9-11 GI Bill benefits; as well as all rights, privileges and benefits as though they had completed their enlistment (minus unearned pays and allowances). Soldiers will be notified of the change to their ETS by their battalion commander at least 90 days prior to their adjusted date of separation; exceptions can be approved by the Soldier's commanding general.

What's the way ahead'

U.S. Army Human Resources Command will phase in this program over the course of the next several months. Soldiers subject to this policy with ETS dates in April 2010 will separate one month early, with ETS dates in May 2010 will separate two months early and Soldiers ETS'ing on or after June 1 will be involuntarily separated three months early.


<a href="https://www.hrc.army.mil/site/index.asp" target="_blank">HRC Web site</a>

Related News Releases:

AKO log in required: <a href="https://perscomnd04.army.mil/MILPERmsgs.nsf/All+Documents/09-279'OpenDocument " target="_blank">Milper Message 09-279</a>

<a href="http://www.armyg1.army.mil/militaryPersonnel/documents/EIESP%20Signed%20Policy%20Memo.pdf " target="_blank"> Enlisted Involuntary Early Separation Program </a>

Related article:

<a href=" http://www.army.mil/-news/2009/11/23/30870-army-to-separate-soldiers-who-dont-extend-to-deploy/index.html " target="_blank">Army to separate Soldiers who don't extend to deploy</a>