New Child Development Center opens

By Courtney Griggs, Fort Sill CannoneerOctober 27, 2009

FORT SILL, Okla. - Working parents on Fort Sill, Okla., now have more options for on-post child care.

The Alice Grierson Child Development Center opened its doors Oct. 13.

"We will be open Monday through Friday, 5 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.," said Robin Garrett, CDC director.

Grierson CDC is licensed to hold up to 124 children, less than half of what Tincher CDC currently holds.

"We will likely only have 110 children," said Garrett. "A few of the rooms are already full. The Strong Beginnings room is full, which is a new pre-k program. We are still registering children 6 weeks old to 5 years.

"Our class sizes are small. Our infant to teacher ratio is 4 to 1, our pre-tots are 5 to 1 and our toddlers are 7 to 1. Our Strong Beginnings class is 10 to 1."

Strong Beginnings is a new program.

"Strong Beginnings is supposed to be in competition with the pre-k program in the school system," said Garrett. "We are offering some really great training for the children. There will be writing, language arts; they'll be doing math and science. They have to be 4 years old by Dec. 31 to be in the program. It's a little bit different than the school system."

One unique quality of Grierson is the size capacity of the hourly care. Grierson will offer 42 slots for hourly care.

"We have increased our size for hourly care because all of the hourly care is going to us," said Garrett. "There will no longer be hourly at Tincher. Tincher currently offers 21 slots. We are located directly behind Tincher."

The new CDC has come about to provide quality child care for Fort Sill Soldiers and families thanks to the Army Family Covenant.

Anyone wishing to enroll a child in child care should call 580-458-4305.