
<li><a href="http://www.neguard.com/">Visit the Nebraska National Guard</a></li>

<li><a href="http://myarmybenefits.us.army.mil/Home/Benefit_Library/State__Territory_Benefits/Nebraska.html">State Benefits</a></li>


<h3 class="dark">State and Community Programs and Services</h3>

<h4>At Ease</h4>

<p> At Ease, an initiative of Lutheran Family Serves of Nebraska is a trauma treatment and therapeutic support program that serves active military, veterans and their loved ones affected by untreated trauma reactions and post-traumatic stress disorder. For more information, visit <a href="http://www.lfsneb.org/behavioralhealth/at_ease/index.asp "> www.lfsneb.org </a></p>

<h4>Military Spouse Residency Relief Act</h4>

<p>On November 11, 2009, the President signed into law the Military Spouse Residency Relief Act. This Act, among other things, provides that when a service member leaves his or her home State in accord with military or naval orders, the service member's spouse may retain residency in his or her home State for voting and tax purposes, after relocating from that State to accompany the service member. In the State of Nebraska an exemption from Nebraska withholding tax may be claimed if an employees spouse is a member of the US Armed Services and their state of legal residence is not Nebraska. For more information visit <a href="http://www.revenue.state.ne.us/news_rel/jan_10/military_spouses.html">www.revenue.ne.gov</a></p>