Federal Employees' Week begins April 27

By Cheryl RodewigApril 17, 2009

Federal Employees' Week is April 27-30 on Fort Benning. The week will include a variety of workshops designed to help federal employees with personal and professional development.

The workshops are open to all federal employees and their family members, said Winnie Torain, equal employment opportunity specialist and special emphasis program manager.

"We want to give people an opportunity to learn more about their federal careers," she said. "A happy employee is one who is informed of all options."

It will be "an opportune time" for people to ask questions or receive training in areas unrelated to their specific position that they may want to branch into later, said Torain, who encourages managers to attend as well.

A kick off ceremony, featuring guest speaker and former Columbus resident Rear Adm. Clara H. Cobb, will be from 11 a.m. to noon in the second ballroom of the Middle School Teen Center on McIver Street. Cobb, who began her federal career 30 years ago, is the assistant surgeon general of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in Atlanta. A reception will follow the ceremony.

Workshops begin April 28 and last through April 30. The first workshop will be led by the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center.

"We're training on everything from how to advance in the federal system and tips on how to complete your resume to the civilian awards program and how we refer applicants to be considered for vacancies," said Blanche Robinson, human resources officer for CPAC. "I highly encourage any federal employee to attend as many sessions as they possibly can because there's going to be a litany of topics that will be of interest to them."

The topics have been gathered from suggestions from the current work force, Robinson said, so they are subjects that are relevant to today's workers.

"Very frequently it's hard to get all the information from one source at one time," she said. "This is an opportunity for them to get pertinent information in one fell swoop. All the experts will be on site. Just show up for one day or one or two hours for sessions that you're interested in. There's a lot available."

Besides job-related training, workshops will cover morale issues such as stress management, financial planning and health care, since efficiency at work and quality of life at home are closely linked, Torain said.

All workshops will be held in the teen center, Building 1056. Employees should make their workshop selections in advance, request permission to attend from their supervisor and arrive early to sign in.

For more information, call 706-545-1872.