BOSS offers opportunities, welcomes new members

By Karin J. Martinez, VMC Public Affairs OfficeNovember 9, 2017

BOSS welcomes new members
New BOSS Vicenza President Spc. Patty Samples (green T-shirt) participates in a bike-riding event in Verona. The Oct. 21 excursion took the Soldiers on a 15-mile bike ride, lunch and a seaway tour of the city. Samples was selected by USAG Italy Comma... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

VICENZA, Italy -- Quality of life, community service, and recreation and leisure. These are the three pillars of the Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers program, commonly known as BOSS.

The U.S. Army created BOSS in 1989 to help commanders address the well-being and morale issues of single and unaccompanied Soldiers in their units. Since its inception, BOSS has grown Armywide to 48 programs in the continental United States and 47 outside the United States.

BOSS falls under the umbrella of G9, Family & Morale, Welfare and Recreation, and is managed at each installation by a civilian adviser, an elected group of organization officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) and Soldier representatives from installation units. The garrison command sergeant major oversees the program.

Here in Vicenza, the program has thrived under the leadership of Scott Gordon, civilian BOSS adviser, and Sgt. Dallas Henry, BOSS President 2016-2017. As Henry moves on to become the BOSS representative at Headquarters, Installation Management Command-Europe, he passes the torch to Spc. Patricia (Patty) Samples, who was selected by USAG Italy Command Sgt. Maj. Mason L. Bryant in October.

Becoming involved

With many moving parts, it's important that single and geographically separated Soldiers know what BOSS does and how to get involved.

"Most people know about the recreation side of BOSS, such as the trips and sporting activities," said Henry, a six-year veteran who came to Italy from Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. "But there is more to what BOSS does that benefits the Soldier."

For example, Henry said, the voice of the Soldier had an effect on haircut prices in the Post Exchange. When a concern was raised about the price of a haircut in the AAFES barber shop, the BOSS team went to work. They met with an AAFES representative, went outside the gate to compare prices at local hair establishments, and ended up with a cost that is less than -- but comparable to -- what is paid on the economy.

But that's just one example of the program at work. BOSS Soldiers also have the opportunity to coordinate and participate in community service projects, life skills events and fun, healthy recreational activities, Samples said. They have played host to such activities as horseback riding, bike rides, bagging groceries at the commissary, cooking classes in Venice, community cleanup projects, to name a few.

BOSS opportunities

"There are so many opportunities for Soldiers with BOSS," said Samples, who is a native of Croton, Ohio, and has served in the Army for 3 1/2 years. "My experience has opened me to what the Army has to offer, and here in Italy, it has given me the opportunity to do things and go places I may not have done on my own. I was that Soldier who was too shy to get out by myself, but things changed when I started participating in BOSS. I have met so many good people in this community, and it's made my time here so much better."

Henry agreed. When asked what he would say to Soldiers who do not participate in BOSS activities, he offered: "I would recommend BOSS to any Soldier. It's a good organization with good people, and there are opportunities you can get with BOSS that you won't get anywhere else. Going to meetings and events gives you a chance to meet new people and unwind from the high op tempo of many Soldiers stationed here."

As the organization's new president, Samples said she has specific goals for the coming year.

"I want to keep the momentum going because BOSS in Vicenza has been doing some great things," she said. "I also would like to increase volunteerism and create more visibility to what we're doing. I want to try to cater to as many groups of people as I can by understanding their needs and desires and what they want the program to look like. And finally, increase the opportunity for Soldiers to participate in the art and cultural events so we can really take advantage of living in Italy."

Contact information

Vicenza's BOSS program hosts meeting every other Wednesday at 3 p.m. at the alternate locations of Caserma Del Din and Caserma Ederle. The meetings include BOSS representatives and key people from the community, and are open to anyone.

Operation hours for BOSS at the Warrior Zone on Del Din are as follows: Saturday-Monday, closed; Tuesday and Thursday, 11:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. On Ederle, at the Outdoor Recreation office: Saturday-Monday, closed; Wednesday and Friday, 11:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Anyone who'd like more information about participating in the program should call DSN 637-2712, comm. 0444-66-2712, or +39 346-631-2567.