Workforce learns on post driving rules during Town Hall

By Jim Cunningham IMCOM KOREAMarch 4, 2009

Workforce learns on post driving rules during Town Hall
Lt. Col Hans Hunt, 2nd Infantry Division Provost Marshal/USASG-RC Director of Emergency Services, gives a briefing about driving rules and regulations for driving on post during the Workforce Town Hall Meeting held in the USAG-Casey Digital Conferenc... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

CASEY GARRISON - The workforce in Area I learned of the Provost Marshal's intent to enforce on post driving rules Feb. 25 in the Casey Digital Conference Center.

"Our regulations are strict on military installations," said Lt. Col. Hans Hunt, 2nd Infantry Division Provost Marshal/USAG-RC Director of Emergency Services. "There is a big difference once you drive outside the installation."

The many differences demonstrated were about the use of seat belts, parking, how to drive in inclement weather, traffic at bus stops, flag call, emergency vehicles, and Military Police operations. Violations of the on post driving rules do not involve fines, but they do involve a point system, which may cause violators to lose their on post driving privileges.

"If you are pulled over for a driving violation on a military installation, you will be issued an armed forces traffic ticket," Hunt said. "The ticket will list all of your information and the violation. We will process the ticket at the MP desk and you will receive a copy. The significance of these tickets is there are points assessed against your driver's license."

A driver can lose his license for driving on post if he accumulates more than 12 traffic points within 12 consecutive months or 18 traffic points within 24 consecutive months. Points are assessed using Army Regulation 190-5.

Points are not the only way you can lose your driving privilege on post. In the case of American civilians, they will lose their privilege to drive on post and may also lose their privilege to drive off post, if charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and or drugs or driving while intoxicated, said Sgt. Maj. Russell Orlowitz, Sgt. Maj. 2nd Infantry Division Provost Marshal's Office. Unless the individual charged with DUI/DWI has a separate type of driver's license, he could have his Status of Forces Agreement driver's license suspended for 12 months.

Moving traffic violations are not the only type of ticket a driver can be given.

"Points are assessed for moving and parking violations," Hunt said. "If you accrue 12 driving tickets (to include parking tickets) in 12 months your driving privileges will be suspended. It is mandatory."

Off post traffic mostly ignores emergency vehicles.

"In my driving experience here, no one pulls over to let emergency vehicles pass," Hunt said. "Emergency vehicles try to weave in and out of traffic to go wherever they need to go. On post it is mandatory you pull over to the right side and let the emergency vehicle pass."

When a MP vehicle pulls up behind a driver on post with their lights and or sirens on, the driver must pull over to the right side of the road immediately. Put your car in park, remain seated in the vehicle with your seat belt on, roll down your window and wait for the MP officer to approach you. Once the MP approaches your car, present your Military/On-Post driver's license, Civilian Driver's License, Military/Civilian identification card, and USFK Form 207 (the form you received when getting your SOFA license plate) in lieu of a vehicle registration card, which are not issued in Korea. For those who do not understand English, they may request a translator.

"Koreans like to get out of their car and approach the MPs," Hunt said. "In America, when someone gets out of their car and walks toward the police car on a routine traffic stop, that poses a threat. We ask you to stay in your car and not come to us; wait for us to come to you."

During flag call, you will hear music over the loudspeakers. When you hear this music, you must stop your car and wait for the flag to be raised or lowered. Once the music stops, you may continue driving. Flag call occurs at 6 a.m. and 5 p.m. when the American and Republic of Korea flags are hoisted up or down for the day.

"Military personnel are required to get out and salute; we encourage the Civilian workforce to get out as well, although it is not mandatory," Hunt said.

All motor vehicles must come to a complete stop when traveling behind or approaching a stopped bus. Never pass a stopped bus. Buses on post make frequent stops at designated places to let passengers on and off; be aware of their frequent stopping.

During bad weather, i.e. rain, fog, snow, sleet, make sure you reduce your speed and drive with caution. Turn on your headlights during bad weather conditions and make sure your windows are clear of ice or snow.

"When water comes to the surface, and oils come up from the road mixing with it, the first 30 minutes of rain, snow or sleet is the most dangerous," Hunt said. "Afterwards, oil washes off the road, but it will still be dangerous."

You may park only in approved parking areas as shown by posted signs or white parking space lines on the pavement. If you are picking up or dropping off passengers, you must pull off the road into a parking lot or an area where you will not block traffic.

"If you park in an area not designated a parking area you will get a ticket," Hunt said. "Handicapped parking spaces are marked with a sign on post. Unless you have a handicapped tag or sticker, you cannot park there."

It is required that the driver and all passengers in your car wear a seat belt at all times. Infants and children under four years old and/or under 45 pounds will be properly secured in an infant/child car seat at all times.

"The driver needs to ensure everyone in the car is wearing their seatbelt," Hunt said. "If someone in the car is not wearing a seatbelt and the car is pulled over by MPs, the driver gets the ticket."

When you see a stop sign, come to a complete stop before driving on.

"Stop signs mean stop, they do not mean yield," Hunt said. "Always come to a complete stop at stop signs before continuing. We will give tickets for failure to stop at stop signs."

Do not talk on a cell phone or send a text message while driving.

"Talking on a cell phone while driving is wrong," Hunt said. "We have written many tickets for people talking on their cell phones while driving."

Obey the posted speed limit signs. Be aware that speed limits change from area to area.

"The speed limit is 32 kilometers per hour at USAG-Casey," Hunt said. "Make sure you pay attention to speed limit signs when you are here. We are issuing a lot of tickets for those who ignore the speed limits."

Pedestrians have the right of way when walking in the crosswalks.

"When you see a pedestrian entering a crosswalk, you must stop," Hunt said. "If you don't, you will be issued a ticket."