Presidential Logistics: From the Supply Room to the Oval Office

By ODCS, G-4February 11, 2016

Presidential Logistics
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Thirty-one Presidents have served in the military, including three who served as Logisticians; Ulysses S. Grant, Chester A. Arthur, and William McKinley.

Grant, our 18th President, served in the Army from 1839-1854 and 1861-1869. During the Mexican- American War he served as Quartermaster in charge of supplies. During the Civil War, General Grant led the Union Armies to victory over the Confederacy.

Arthur, our 21st President, served in the New York Militia from 1858-1863. During the Civil War he was a Quartermaster Brigadier General.

McKinley, our 25th President, served in the Army from 1861-1865 as a volunteer with the 23rd Ohio Infantry. He was assigned to duty in the brigade quartermaster office, where he worked to supply his regiment.