General Dunwoody impressed by APG workforce, technology

By Mr. Joseph Ferrare (RDECOM)January 26, 2009

General Dunwoody visits APG
Michael Maher, chief of Materials Applications Branch, Weapons & Materials Research Directorate, Army Research Laboratory, shows Army Materiel Command Commander Gen. Ann Dunwoody an advanced materials design during Dunwoody's 22 January visit to Aber... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. Aca,!" General Ann E. Dunwoody visited several sites here January 22 to get her first detailed briefings and hands-on experience with existing and emerging technologies since assuming command of the Army Materiel Command.

Research Development and Engineering Command and Installation Commander Maj. Gen. Paul S. Izzo hosted the visit, during which Dunwoody visited the Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity, the Army Research Laboratory and the Edgewood Chemical and Biological Center and the Chemical Materials Agency.

Garrison Commander Col. Jeffrey S. Weissman briefed the ArmyAca,!a,,cs first female four-star general on the APG 2012 transformation. The importance of that transformation to AMC and the future of Army technology was a major theme of the visit.

Aca,!A"APG is going to be one of the premier research, development and testing installations in the Army,Aca,!A? said Izzo. Aca,!A"So General Dunwoody was obviously very interested in our vision for APG 2012. She came away with an excellent grasp of the contributions RDECOM and APG make to the Army and our Soldiers.Aca,!A?

The day-long visit spanned the full spectrum of those contributions, going from the basic research done at ARL to the analysis AMSAA does that continues after the systems have been fielded. Dunwoody began at AMSAA, where Director Dr. William F. Crain gave Dunwoody an overview of his how his team uses operations research methods and state-of-the-art systems analysis to contribute to the logistics and research and development efforts Dunwoody leads as AMC chief.

At ARL Dunwoody met some of the people who do the fundamental research that underlies the ArmyAca,!a,,cs technology.

"During General Dunwoody's visit, I was able to tour her through two of our materials labs,Aca,!A? said Michael Maher, chief of the Materials Applications Branch, Weapons & Materials Research Directorate, U.S. Army Research Laboratory.

Aca,!A"She was able to see how the latest material technologies are being incorporated into ARLAca,!a,,cs armor and coating developments that included lightweight helmets as well as transparent and ceramic armors that are not only lighter than the existing solutions but provide more protection for the Warfighter.Aca,!A?

The technologies and the teams behind them made an impact on Dunwoody.

Aca,!A"I was very impressed with the many capabilities the RDECOM workforce brings to AMCAca,!a,,cs support of the Warfighter,Aca,!A? said Dunwoody. Aca,!A"Their dedicated scientists and engineers are on point for so many of the leading innovations designed to ensure our Soldiers remain the safest, most effective and best-equipped Army in the world.Aca,!A?

Praise like that had a big impact on the ARL team, Maher said.

Aca,!A"It was great honor to be able to host General Dunwoody. For her to take the time to see the technologies that we are developing and recognize how they are being used to help the Warfighter was a tremendous morale boost to our workforce.Aca,!A?

Izzo said ARLAca,!a,,cs example applies across the installation.

Aca,!A"It is always valuable for our leadership to see first-hand how our scientists, engineers and other installation team members are contributing world-class support to the Warfighter.Aca,!A?