Holders named post Family of Year

By Christine Schweickert, Fort Jackson LeaderNovember 24, 2015

Military Family of the Year
Sgt. 1st Class Robert and Christina Holder give thanks with fellow nominees after presentation of the Family of the Year award by Maj. Gen. Roger Cloutier on Friday. The Holders - along with daughters Samantha, Whitney and Emily - were cited for the... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

One child gave back the Family's citation. Another attempted to wrestle her way out of going onstage. And two more hid their faces -- one behind his daddy's knee and the other, with her sweater pulled over her head.

The children may not have been all that impressed with the honor of being nominated to become Fort Jackson's 2015 Family of the Year, but 14 sets of parents eagerly awaited the announcement at the Solomon Center on Friday afternoon.

And when it came, "supermom" Christina Holder marched steadily to the stage -- she had worried she would trip from nervousness -- along with her husband, Sgt. 1st Class Robert and their three girls: Emily, 13; Whitney, 11; and Samantha, 8.

"My stomach's in knots," Christina Holder had said beforehand. It's the "anticipation of (not) knowing and thinking, 'If you're good enough …' "

If being named didn't erase those doubts, the myriad hugs the Family received at the announcement by emcee Marilynn Bailey of Army Community Service definitely should have. They came from all directions -- past winners, commanders, friends.

Eventually, there were a congratulatory handshake and photo with post commander Maj. Gen. Roger Cloutier and a celebratory dinner.

Through all the post-announcement celebration, 11-year-old Whitney swayed and danced with the big silver trophy citing the Family's accomplishment.

Col. Traci Crawford, commander of Moncrief Army Community Hospital, nominated the Holders, citing the Family's love for volunteerism and their devotion to one another -- which began when Robert and Christina Holder became high school friends. When Holder went back to his hometown after Army training 14 years ago, he asked Christina to marry him.

"The two still do just about everything together," Crawford said on the nomination form. "Work is important, but Family is their top priority … They also have become friends with their neighbors, helping each other out in times of need."

Crawford quoted Christina Holder as saying that "you have to do things together as a Family … If you can be respectful of others and get your job done together … you can do anything …"

Sgt. 1st Class Holder is the non-commissioned officer in charge of the radiology department at MACH. He has worked with Habitat for Humanity and veterans organizations.

Christina Holder is a stay-at-home mom who spends much of her time volunteering with the C.C. Pinckney Parent-Teacher Organization and the Girl Scouts.

All of the Family perform volunteer work.

"We all volunteer because we like to volunteer," Christina Holder said.

Other nominees also were praised for their volunteer efforts in the community, their service to unit and their dedication to Fort Jackson.

"When you grow up doing things for people … it shows how much your parents taught you," said Abagail Voorhees, 8, and the daughter of Sgt. 1st Class and Maureen Voorhees of the 369th Adjutant General Battalion.

Staff Sgt. Kevin Moritz of the 3rd Battalion, 39th Infantry put it a different way.

"You've got to change the world a little bit," he said. "With everything so crazy now, it's important to be a light in the craziness."