Annual working group discusses contractor personnel

By U.S. Army Europe Public AffairsSeptember 15, 2015

Annual contractor working group
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

WIESBADEN, Germany - U.S. Army Europe's DoD Contractor Personnel Office recently met with officials from four German states at the annual DoD Contractor Personnel-Laender Working Group meeting.

The LWG consists of tax officials from the four German states of Bavaria, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Hessen and Rhineland-Pfalz.

DOCPER is part of U.S. Army Europe's G-1 Civilian Personnel Division, and is charged with implementing U.S.-German bilateral agreements intended to allow DoD contractors to acquire NATO Status of Forces Agreement status. SOFA allows U.S. personnel to work in Germany without a work permit and generally free of German income taxation.

The LWG-DOCPER meeting is held annually and is intended to resolve any issues that arise over interpretation and implementation of the bilateral agreements.

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U.S. Army Europe DoD Contractor Personnel Office