Runners not deterred by rain at second JBM-HH Firecracker Twinkie Challenge

By amien Salas, Pentagram Staff WriterJuly 14, 2015

Runners not deterred by rain at second JBM-HH Firecracker Twinkie Challenge
1 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Nick Wong, 40, consumes six Twinkies July 2 while participating in the second annual Firecracker 5K "Twinkie" Challenge and 1.5-Mile Walk at the Fort Myer portion of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. This year's race garnered more than 45 additional pa... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Runners not deterred by rain at second JBM-HH Firecracker Twinkie Challenge
2 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Todd Hopkins, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation recreation specialist, starts the second annual Firecracker 5K "Twinkie" Challenge and 1.5-Mile Walk July 2 at the Fort Myer portion of the joint base. This year's... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Runners not deterred by rain at second JBM-HH Firecracker Twinkie Challenge
3 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Participants consume Twinkies at the halfway point of the second annual Firecracker 5K "Twinkie" Challenge and 1.5-Mile Walk July 2 at the Fort Myer portion of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. This year's race, put on by Family and Morale, Welfare and... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Despite a potential rain-out, the second annual Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation's Firecracker 5K "Twinkie" Challenge and 1.5-Mile Walk July 2 saw nearly double the number of participants over last year's inaugural race, according to race organizer Todd Hopkins.

The race, named after the cream-filled sponge cakes competitors are required to devour during the course and held in recognition of Independence Day, saw some 112 participants - 45 more than last year, said Hopkins.

"The weather did not get the best of us," said Hopkins in a post-race interview.

Still, the race was delayed 10 minutes as gray clouds threatened further delay. Thunder and lightning were absent, allowing the race to continue as planned.

In order to place, participants had to run half of the race, eat six sponge cakes, then finish the remainder of the race through the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH. While eating the cakes were voluntary for participants, only those who successfully completed consuming all six were considered eligible to place.

"For the second year, no one lost their breakfast," said Hopkins.

And those seeking to earn a first, second or third-place finish in the Commander's Race Series have techniques to quickly, and safely, consume the cakes.

"Everyone seemed to have their own way of eating the Twinkies," said Hopkins. "Some ate two at a time, took only two bites per Twinkie or just took their time."

The race's first place finisher, 40-year-old Nick Wong, completed the course in just over 20 minutes, despite eating a half dozen cream-filled cakes at the half way mark by dipping the Hostess treats in water to make them easier to consume.

Daniella LeGrand, 25, finished first place in the women's category.

Hopkins confirmed that next year's Firecracker Twinkie Challenge is already being planned, with race day set for July 1.

The Independence Day celebratory race marks the fourth in the 2015 Commander's race series. Remaining JBM-HH FMWR races for the 2015 season include a July 10 JBM-HH Army Ten-Miler Team qualifier, an Aug. 21 Women's Equality Day race, a November Turkey Trot (date is TBD) and the Dec. 4 Operation Santa "Ugly Sweater" Run. For more details or to register for any of these races, visit

Finally, road races are also available on the Henderson Hall portion of the joint base through Marine Corps Community Services' Oorah! Run Series. Remaining races in that series include the Sept. 16 Devil Dog 7K Race and the Oct. 14 Remembrance 5K Race. For more information about those races, visit