Davidson triple threat in Kabul

By Tommy Fuller, Resolute Support Public AffairsJuly 9, 2015

Davidson triple threat in Kabul
1 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – KABUL, Afghanistan - U.S. Army Col. Michael Davidson, director of legislative affairs, Resolute Support (left); U.S. Army Col. Jon Davidson, senior advisor to the deputy minister of security at the Afghanistan Ministry of Interior (center); and U.S. ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Davidson triple threat in Kabul
2 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – KABUL, Afghanistan - U.S. Army Col. Paul Davidson, chief of staff for the deputy chief of staff-support, Resolute Support (left); U.S. Army Col. Jon Davidson, senior advisor to the deputy minister of security at the Afghanistan Ministry of Interior (... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Davidson triple threat in Kabul
3 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – KABUL, Afghanistan - U.S. Army Col. Jon Davidson, senior advisor to the deputy minister of security at the Afghanistan Ministry of Interior (center) speaks as his cousin, U.S. Army Col. Paul Davidson, chief of staff for the deputy chief of staff-supp... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

KABUL, Afghanistan - Families across the USA will celebrate July Fourth by gathering together with friends for cookouts and fireworks. This Independence Day, after crisscrossing the globe for Uncle Sam for more than 20 years each, three Soldiers, cousins and brothers, are celebrating Independence Day together for the first time in their careers. All are stationed at Resolute Support Headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Many Americans will pause during the holiday festivities to remember brothers, sisters, dads, moms and other loved ones in uniform who serve far from home. That tradition holds a new meaning for three members of the Davidson family, originally from Long Island, New York, who live a life of service and self-sacrifice and now have a rare opportunity to serve with family.

Col. Paul Davidson arrived in Kabul in June 2014, followed by cousin Col. Mike Davidson in December. Mike's brother, Col. Jon Davidson, made it to Camp RS in June of this year. Considering the size of the U.S. Army and the incredibly high number of possible locations where a Soldier might be assigned, the odds are staggering that two brothers might be stationed at the same base, much less two brothers and a cousin from the same family, each of them a colonel.

"Even though Michael and I have crossed paths briefly at the Pentagon, I've never been assigned with Jon," said Paul, the youngest of the trio. "Here we come halfway around the world and the three of us are here together. It's a blessing."

Michael, the next oldest, was surprised to run into his cousin Paul a few days after arriving at the camp.

"The guy I was replacing was taking me around to meet people when Paul and I walked right past each other at RS Headquarters," said Michael. Paul was surprised to find out Michael had been assigned to work at RS.

Michael's brother, Jon, the oldest of the three, did not arrive in Kabul until months later and had already heard the news that the Army had assigned his brother and cousin to the same deployed outpost.

"I thought it was both a good, and bad thing," Jon said. "When you think about the movie, 'Saving Private Ryan,' you never want your eggs in one basket. That being said, it's good to know that you have family here," he said.

The Davidsons each took a different path to Kabul where they now play important roles in different areas of the Resolute Support mission; training, advising and assisting the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces in order to help them develop the systems and processes necessary to sustain their military.

Col. Paul Davidson is the chief of staff for the deputy chief of staff-support, an organization that is deeply involved in the strategies to help the sustainment of the equipment fielded by the Afghan military and police. He first joined the Army because his father wanted him to take over the family business. To further motivate young Paul, his father declined to pay for college. Eventually, Paul found his way to West Point, graduating in 1992.

Col. Michael Davidson is the director of Legislative Affairs for the Resolute Support commander. His job is to interact with Congress on behalf of U.S Forces Afghanistan and Resolute Support. He is their conduit for information. Michael, a 1993 West Point graduate, went into the Army because he didn't think there was any better way to serve his country, or fellow man.

Col. Jon Davidson is senior adviser to the deputy minister of security at the Afghanistan Ministry of Interior and is responsible for training, advising and assisting the minister in matters pertaining to the police standards. Jon always wanted to be in the military and attended Reserve Officer Training Course in college to fly Marine jets. When an accident at home affected his eyesight, he changed his career direction entering Army Officer Candidate School after graduating from college to be commissioned an Army officer.

Three different Army professionals, brothers and cousins, on three different roads of life that, by some act of fate, intersected at a moment in time at Resolute Support Headquarters where they chose to take advantage of it.

"You can have friends that you've served with before, but if there's ever a need for counsel, there's nothing better than family," Jon said. "That's why we get together for a meal once a week to break bread and have a good time."

As one would expect, there is often a bit of good-natured teasing between the three Davidsons when they are together. "I'm in the Army for 23 years, a colonel, yet when I'm around my cousins I'm still considered the baby of the family," said Paul with a laugh. "It's a humbling experience."

For Michael, it is something he has always wanted - to be stationed with his brother, Jon. "And the simple fact that we are deployed and stationed here, and for our cousin Paul to be here too, is really neat."

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