The Ombudsman is an independent senior official serving as AMCOM's focal point for firms or individuals in the business community expressing iterest in conducting business with AMCOM. The ombudsman receives inquiries and complaints confidentially, which are brought to his attention by industry, the private sector or internal government sources, and initiates action to address those concerns related to the Command.


The Ombudsman seeks problem resolution by means of advocacy, persuasion and mediation, on issues brought tot he ombudsman's attention by industry, the private sector or internal government sourcees. The Ombudsman is responsible for reviewing complaints from industry to ensure that all contractors are afforded a fair opportunity to be considered, consistent with the procedures in the soliciation or contract. The Ombudsman has the authortiy to address independently or to call on other AMCOM and Team Redstone officials to resolve inquiries, concerns, or complaints on matters related to the Command.