Army Family Covenant Re-signed

By Randy Murray, Fort Stewart Public AffairsNovember 26, 2008

Covenant re-signed
Leadership resigns Army Family Covenant - Installation and 3rd Infantry Division Commander Major General Tony Cucolo signs the Army Family Covenant while 3rd ID Command Sgt. Maj. Jesse Andrews looks on in anticipation of signing the document. Other ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT STEWART, GA -- The Army Family Covenant was officially re-signed at Fort Stewart's Kessler Elementary School, Nov. 21. Signing the Covenant this year was installation and 3rd Infantry Division Commander Major General Tony Cucolo, 3rd ID Command Sgt. Maj. Jesse Andrews, U.S. Army Garrison Commander Col. Todd Buchs and Command Sgt. Maj. James Ervin, and the Hargus Family, Master Sgt. Rodney Hargus, his wife Tracy and sons, Chad and Chase.

Originally signed a year ago, the Army Family Covenant recognizes the many sacrifices made by Army Families during this time of war with pledges to standardize funding for Family programs and services, increase accessibility and quality of health care, improve both Soldier and Family housing, schools, youth services and child care, and also expand education and job opportunities for Family Members.

Prior to signing the Covenant, Cucolo explained to Soldiers, Family Members and several dozens students assembled for the occasion that re-signing the Covenant showed the Army's continued commitment to Soldiers and their Families. He pointed out that he and some others now signing the Covenant were not here to sign it last year. He said that just because name tags change, the Army's concern for its Soldiers and their Families does not.

"Just because the first folks who signed (the Army Family Covenant) have left does not mean there's any less energy or desire to see this come to fruition," Cucolo said during opening remarks before the signing. "The team that signed this might have changed, but the commitment is the same. We're here today to re-affirm that commitment."

Following the signing, Cucolo and Andrews took time to talk with and pose for pictures with students, including wheelchair-bound Myron Bass, 11, a Kessler Elementary student, who seemed thrilled to have his picture taken with the installation's highest ranking officer and enlisted Soldier.