People of AMCOM: EuGene Roberts

By Mrs. Melody R Young (AMCOM)February 23, 2015

People of AMCOM: EuGene A. Roberts
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL


EuGene A. Roberts

Organization where you work:


Years of service at AMCOM:

2 years

Before working at AMCOM, where did you work?

AMC (Active Duty Army)

What is your job?

Human Resources Specialist- Performs studies and analysis related to the most effective and efficient use and management of U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) human resources, with particular emphasis on human resource strategic planning, and effective human resource management policies, plans and procedures.

What do you like most about your job?

My favorite parts of my last job included the ability to work independently (trust from employers) and the people I worked with. It's great to work with people that care about what they do and who they do it for (the Warfighter). It's hard to find that environment today because so many people just don't care about honesty, hard work and integrity.

Did you serve in the military?


If yes, for how long?

24 years

What are you usually doing when you're not at work?

With my family we feel obligated to giving back to my community (working at a local soup kitchen, adopt-a-mile, Relay for Life activities, and supporting veteran organizations in the community).

If you could speak directly to the Soldier you support, what would you say?

We have your back and thank you for your service.

What would people be most surprised to learn about you?

I am a momma's boy (I love my grandmother).

Who are your heroes or who has inspired you? Why?

My father, Vietnam Veteran. I was born in Bangkok, Thailand; my father met my mother during the war and conceived two sons. He did everything to ensure we were moved from Asia to the U.S. to have a better life. He continued to work hard after leaving the military to support my brother and me. He sacrificed a great deal for us until the day he passed away.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A Soldier.

Complete this sentence: What AMCOM means to me:

AMCOM means opportunities to learn, advance in my career and a sense of importance and belonging. We spend so much time working with others they become a second family. I enjoy being around them.


If you would like to nominate someone for recognition in "People of AMCOM," contact your supervisor or the AMCOM Public Affairs Office at 256-842-3546. The nomination/interview form is available on the AMCOM internal SharePoint website, or by emailing Selected candidates will be interviewed and featured on AMCOM's Facebook page, external CORE website, and internal SharePoint website.