189th Soldiers continue to mentor Dublin High students

By Sgt. 1st Class Victor Gardner, 189th Infantry Brigade, Division West Public AffairsDecember 19, 2014

DUBLIN, California -- Soldiers of the 1st Battalion, 363rd Regiment, 189th Infantry Brigade, Division West, continue with close mentorship of Dublin High School students here.

Since the 2013 school year, 363rd Soldiers partner with Dublin High transition instructor Bree LeMoine to help students develop job and "soft" skills to be more successful in the working world.

The 363rd continues its partnership during the 2014-2015 school year, focusing on confidence building, leadership, and values. Based on student feedback, these three items are most important to them and their development.

"I felt like the Army guys, you guys, help build confidence in me," Sean Pitts, a transition student, said. "I like that you guys weren't mean and loud and just believed in us."

With each year's change in program focus, those who participate also change. During the summer months, some students move on while others return for the new year. This means new students like Kenichi Masaki.

"The transition program is ok for me," Masaki said. "When I was coming here to visit I was nervous and not sure what to expect but now, this year, I'm more open to learning and helping."

LeMoine emphasized that it's also important to instruct her students outside the classroom rather than sitting behind a school desk all day.

"I like being community based because that's where they learn the best, opposed to sitting in a classroom," she said. "It's hard to teach students with special needs in one setting and having them then go out and do it in the real world. It's hard to do for me as well."

One 363rd Soldier, Sgt. 1st Class Adolfo Cancino, a senior human resource sergeant, feels that providing the students with tools Soldiers are equipped with will help them achieve things most people are afraid to try. He says that non-commissioned officer courses like the Warriors Leaders Course and the Advanced Leaders Course are solid foundations when you are trying to build up someone.

"WLC and ALC create the confidence needed to become a solid leader," Cancino said. "Teaching these kids drill and ceremony helps to instill discipline and focuses on attention to detail and placing them all in a leadership position helps to reinforce the values they have created."

LeMoine stressed that even with a change in location or student participation, the students from last year are a big help and now lead the class along with the new students like Kenichi, who are looking to make that transition.

The partnership with the Soldiers of the 363rd during the 2013-2014 school years earned the unit the California Legislature' 2014 Make a Difference Award.

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