Freedom 6 Sends: Army Strong! Strong Europe!

By Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, U.S. Army EuropeDecember 5, 2014

Command photo of Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL


In the few short weeks since I took command of this outstanding organization, I can truly say that this holiday season I am absolutely thankful for the professionalism and dedication of United States Army Europe Soldiers, Civilians, Families and Allies.

As I have traveled around our area of responsibility to countries like Estonia, Georgia, Lithuania, Poland, and throughout Germany, I have seen firsthand the relationships, capabilities, infrastructure, and exercises that assure access for U.S. forces, enables early entry versus forcible entry, and builds capacity in Partnership for Peace and Allied nations.

To me, all of those are examples of the U.S. Army's contribution to what NATO and U.S. European Command are trying to do over here, support a "Strong Europe".

The Strong Europe concept aims to create beneficial opportunities, improve interoperability and capacity in Partners and Allies and facilitate U.S. and NATO logistical infrastructure, resulting in ease of movement between member nations.

In this respect, Strong Europe is USAREUR's main contribution to NATO and its Allies and Partners, as we act as the main enabler for NATO land forces on behalf of U.S. European Command.

When I see U.S. Army Soldiers in the Baltics and Poland on Thanksgiving, working and training as part of Operation Atlantic Resolve to assure our Allies and deter Russia; that is Strong Europe.

Strong Europe is our forward station presence enabling open intelligence cooperation with our Host Nation, Allies and Partners, allowing us to contribute to a common secure environment.

Strong Europe is everything we do to support the success of our Regionally Aligned Forces from reception, staging, onward movement, and integration to exercises at our great Joint Multinational Training Command.

I am convinced that U.S. Army Europe is playing an essential role in facilitating interoperability throughout NATO and Partner land forces and will enable the Alliance wherever possible to face its threats and challenges.

Team, I want to thank you for all that you are doing here every day in support of our mission and in support of our Allies. You make the Army Strong and you contribute to a Strong Europe!

I wish you all the very best this holiday season! As you celebrate with your Families, friends and loved ones, please remember our Teammates deployed around the world; whether it's in the mountains of Afghanistan, the sands of Kuwait, the valleys of Kosovo, or on a cold mountain top in Turkey. Let's keep our Soldiers in our thoughts and prayers.

Happy Holidays!

Army Strong! Strong Europe!

Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges

Freedom 6

U.S. Army Europe Command Video

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