IMCOM commander, command sergeant major send Thanksgiving message

By Lt. Gen. David Halverson, commander, U.S. Army Installation Management Command, and Command Sgt. Maj. Jeffrey Hartless, U.S. Army Installation Management Command command sergeant majorNovember 25, 2014

Lt. Gen. David Halverson, commander, U.S. Army Installation Management Command
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL


Thanksgiving is a great American tradition. It offers us the opportunity to pause and reflect on the blessings in our lives. We are thankful to live in this great country, and for the liberties provided by our Constitution. We are blessed that we get the opportunity to serve the Soldiers, Family members, Civilians and contract teammates that make up the Army team.

We are especially thankful to each of you for what you do every day to accomplish the IMCOM mission. Your hard work and personal sacrifice makes a positive difference in the lives of our Soldiers and our Army Families. Be proud of your accomplishments!

This Thanksgiving, please take time to relax, unwind, and recharge. Feast, watch football, or spend time with your family. Many of you will also take time to volunteer for various service groups in the communities in which you live. For that we offer an extra measure of appreciation.

While you enjoy Thanksgiving, don't forget we want you to take precautions as you celebrate. The following tips will ensure we all have a safe holiday.

Be careful if you fry a turkey. Deep-frying a turkey may be great, but can be extremely dangerous if not done properly. See the Fried Turkey Safety link on the IMCOM Safety web page ( before using your fryer.

It's also essential to consider food safety this Thanksgiving. As a reminder, turkey meat is safely cooked only when internal temperature reaches at least 165 degrees farenheit. See the FDA report at

The Army Safety Center recommends you visit to make vacation travel safer. Drinking and texting don't go with a steering wheel.

Don't post Thanksgiving travel plans on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media. Thieves use the social media too. Ask a trusted neighbor to watch your house.

Lastly, as you prepare for Thanksgiving, please keep our Soldiers and Civilians who are deployed far from home in your thoughts. We are thankful for their service and sacrifices in the cause of freedom. Happy Thanksgiving!

Support and Defend!

LTG David Halverson CSM Jeff Hartless

Related Links:

<b> More IMCOM news</b>

USDA: Is pink turkey meat safe?

U.S. Army Installation Management Command

IMCOM Safety

National Fire Protection Association (non-DoD) turkey fryer safety page

Army Safety Center off-duty travel