Fort Rucker welcomes local clergy to bolster spiritual strength

By Nancy Rasmussen, Fort Rucker Public AffairsOctober 16, 2014

Fort Rucker welcomes local clergy to bolster spiritual strength
Nicquolle Truitt, Army Community Service family and victim advocate, explains her role in building a more resilient Army family of Soldiers, families, civilians and retirees to area religious leaders Oct. 9 as part of Fort Rucker Clergy Appreciation ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT RUCKER, Ala. (October 16, 2014) -- Leaders of faiths spanning the religious spectrum convened on post Oct. 9 in recognition of Clergy Appreciation Day, sponsored by the Fort Rucker Religious Support Office.

More than 30 Christian, Muslim, Catholic and Jewish clergy from Geneva, Houston, Dale and Coffee counties congregated at the Wings Chapel for fellowship, and to discuss ways to enhance service to their flocks, as part of the post Community Health Promotion Council's efforts to build bridges of resiliency among Soldiers, family members, civilians and retirees.

"Faith is an integral part of the council's function of supporting the health and fitness of our communities," said Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Timothy Bedsole, deputy garrison chaplain.

Bedsole said he recognizes area religious leaders' contributions to the spiritual health of our total Army family.

"After 13 years of constant combat, the Army recognizes the need to assist its Soldiers and families in rebuilding their strength," he added. "And spiritual resiliency is part of the overall resiliency action plan being implemented by CHPC.

"The intent of this positive outreach event is to express our sincere gratitude and show collective solidarity for the men and women who serve the churches, temples, mosques and other religious communities that support our Fort Rucker family. We also hope that events such as Clergy Appreciation Day will help to build bridges between the religious community on Fort Rucker and the religious communities in our surrounding area," Bedsole said.

"We've expanded our appreciation this year to include those involved in religious education and in religious humanitarian programs in our community," he said.

The second Sunday in October is recognized as Clergy Appreciation Day, while the entire month of October has been celebrated as Clergy Appreciation Month since 1992, according to Bedsole.

"Clergy Appreciation Day/Month was established to uplift and encourage pastors, missionaries, and religious leaders of all faiths and denominational persuasion," he said.

"This important time of the year is established to be more than another social event on the calendar. It is the time when individuals, churches, and communities show love and appreciation to those in our communities who do so much for so many, and often receive too little for the work they do," said Chaplain (Col.) Dennis Newton, garrison chaplain.

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