Tips to reduce triggers for asthma, allergy sufferers

By Mary Ann Crispin and Joanna Bateman, Kenner Army Health ClinicSeptember 22, 2014

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FORT LEE, Va. (Sept. 18, 2014) -- From the beaches along the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean to the wilderness of the Appalachian and Blue Ridge Mountains, Virginia offers breathtaking scenery and many opportunities for outdoor adventure.

The air, both indoors and outdoors, may contain irritants and substances that can threaten a person's health, especially those with asthma and allergies. Allergies are diseases of the immune system that cause the body to overreact to substances called allergens. The most common allergy "triggers" include pollen, pet dander, mold, dust, smoke, grass, chemicals or fragrances. Symptoms include sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose and itchy, watery eyes.

Asthma is a disease of the lungs in which the airways become blocked or narrowed causing difficulty with breathing. For someone with asthma, a reaction to an allergen can worsen symptoms. People are particularly sensitive to outdoor air pollutants, which include ozone or "smog" and particulates (soot) from vehicle exhaust, wood smoke and fumes.

During May, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation released results from its 2014 Spring Asthma and Allergy Capitals research projects. These annual reports rank the 100 most challenging places in the United States to live with asthma and allergies. Richmond was ranked as the No. 1 asthma capital for the second year in a row and came in at No. 8 in the allergy capital report.

The asthma study assesses asthma prevalence, morbidity and mortality rates, pollen counts, air quality, local smoking laws, number of asthma specialists, medication use, and the number of asthma related emergency room visits. The allergy ranking is based on pollen scores, number of allergy medications used per patient, and number of board-certified allergists per patient. To see the ranking methodology and details on each report, visit or For more information on AAFA, allergies and asthma, or community based services and support, visit

The American Academy of Allergy and Immunology and the American Lung Association offer the following suggestions for promoting a healthier environment:

• Make sure no one smokes indoors.

• Damp areas promote the growth of mold. Eliminate sources of moisture by fixing leaks and using exhaust fans when showering, cooking or washing dishes.

• Keep humidity levels below 50 percent.

• Ensure anything that burns gas (i.e. stove, dryer, water heater and fireplace) is vented to the outdoors.

• Pollen and mold from outdoors can enter the home through open doors, windows, and vents. Close windows; use air filters or air conditioning.

• Clean surfaces in your home weekly with a damp cloth and HEPA-filtered vacuum.

• Restrict pets.

• Eliminate rugs. Hard floor surfaces are easier to clean.

• Don't use scented candles or fragrance deodorizers.

• Monitor the air quality index forecast in your area when planning outdoor activities.

• If possible, stay indoors when the pollen count or humidity is high.

• Minimize early morning activities (generally between the hours of 5-10 a.m.), when pollen is usually produced.

• Do not mow lawns or be around freshly cut grass; mowing stirs up mold and pollen.

• Do not rake leaves. This will also stir up mold.

• Do not hang clothing out on the line to dry; pollen and mold may collect on them.

• Good ventilation is required when using cleaning products; do not mix chemicals.

• Use medications as prescribed. Contact your provider for more information about controller medications versus quick-relief medicine.

• Keep controller medications available and up to date.

• Review immunizations with your provider. Many regular immunizations can lend protection to both adults and children with lung conditions.

• Make an Asthma Action Plan (to include your name, emergency contact information, contact information for your health care provider, your asthma severity classification and a list of known triggers that may cause an asthma attack).

• Be mindful of co-workers with asthma and allergies by limiting strong perfumes, colognes, and surface dust on desk tops. Other culprits in the work place include air fresheners, scented lotions, scented candles (lit or unlit)

The American Lung Association website promotes healthy tips at

The Kenner Army Health Clinic Industrial Hygiene Section serves as a consultant on indoor air quality issues in the workplace, focusing on airborne contaminants and ventilation requirements to achieve acceptable indoor air quality. Fort Lee uses a team approach to investigate indoor air quality complaints, utilizing the expertise from the Directorate of Public Works (Engineering, Operations and Maintenance, and Environmental Management Divisions), the Garrison Safety Office, and Industrial Hygiene Section to verify the source and determine if feasible solutions to resolve concerns and prevent recurrences. Identifying and fixing leaks, adjusting humidity levels, ensuring adequate air exchanges are occurring, and providing guidance to water damage restoration and mold assessment and remediation are a few of the steps in identifying and correcting deficiencies to provide a healthy working environment for all employees.

Any active duty family member in the at-risk population should be enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program. For details, call (804) 734-9438.