Policy helps commanders resolves issues

By Sgt. 1st Class Miguel AlvaradoJune 12, 2014

Commanders down to the battery level have a number of techniques, assets and or agencies available to use when problem solving within their commands.

One program the commanders' open door policy (ODP) stands out above all others. It is simple to implement and is mandated by regulation.

Army Regulation 600-20, "Army Command Policy," defines this policy: "Commanders will establish an open door policy within their commands. Soldiers are responsible to ensure the commander is made aware of problems that affect discipline, morale and mission effectiveness. An open door policy allows members of the command to present facts, concerns and problems of a personal or professional nature or other issues that the Soldier has been unable to resolve. The timing, conduct and specific procedures of the policy are determined by the commander. He or she is responsible for ensuring Soldiers are aware of the … policy."

The establishment of the ODP is a function inherent in all levels of command. It must be known that it doesn't just apply to Soldiers, but also to the family members of Soldiers and civilians in the chain of command as well.

Documenting issues starts a chain of paperwork that shows the command has acknowledged the issue, and more importantly, documents what the command has done to address the issue.

How many times have issues occurred where a commander and or first sergeant stated they knew nothing about it?

Not knowing about an issue does not absolve command teams of their responsibility to accept success or failure for everything that occurs within their units. Therefore, it is imperative command teams, and commanders in particular, be proactive when handling potential issues. This can best be achieved by fostering a positive command climate and promoting the use of the ODP.

The second level of responsibility resides explicitly with Soldiers and implicitly with civilians and family members.

Commanders cannot fix what they do not see or perceive to be broken. Soldiers, civilians and family members need to realize many issues we see in the Inspector General (IG) office are typically not appropriate for the IG. These are referred back to command teams. It is imperative for the good order and discipline of the unit that civilians, Soldiers and family members try to resolve issues at the unit with the command team.

The IG staff is not trying to steer people away and to only use the ODP. Ultimately, the IG office is here to support everyone. We want to encourage command teams, civilians, Soldiers and families to talk about important issues because commanders have many assets available to them to solve problems. Commanders, talk to your units and encourage the use of the ODP. Civilians and families, talk to commanders, they are there to help and have the tools do so.