Humphreys Hero May 2014

By U.S. ArmyMay 8, 2014

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(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

In nine short months, Laura Dawson has embedded herself into the heartbeat of the Suwon Air Base community and made significant changes in the lives of the Soldiers and family members there and is recognized as the May Humphreys Volunteer Hero. She is a proud military spouse and an energetic Family Readiness Group leader and Volunteer Organization Point of Contact for Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 6-52nd Air Missile Defense Battalion.

She has been pied-piper like in coordinating and rallying brigade and battalion spouses to plan and conduct holiday events -- the All Ranks Ball, Key Resolve Field Exercise Victory Party and the Hellraisers Relay for Life team. A home-schooling Mom of two teenage boys, Laura has worked tirelessly to lead fundraising efforts to support the Osan American High School's football team trip to participate in a game in Singapore. Each week she volunteers at Suwon Grace Chapel, leading the Praise Band, selecting music and conducting practices, sings and plays piano for the services. She started the Chapel Cookie Brigade, where she coordinates with other ladies to bake as many cookies and brownies as possible to distribute door-to-door to Soldiers living in the barracks after church on selected Sundays.

Laura is a Mentor-Mom for the local MOPs (Mothers of Pre-Schooler's) group and routinely volunteers, along with her sons, at the Osan Hospitality House. She truly enjoys the many hats she wears in support of our community and will strive to wear more of them in the future.

Thank you so much for your tremendous efforts on behalf of our community.

To nominate a candidate for the monthly Humphreys Hero recognition, contact Hal Mullen, the Humphreys Army Community Service Volunteer Coordinator, at 753-3266 or email

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