FY14 Group Award Program payout metrics released

By Pamela Robertson, ANAD Director of Resource ManagementApril 24, 2014

ANNISTON ARMY DEPOT, Ala. -- As everyone has read in the newspapers and heard on the news, budget restrictions, or sequestration, were in place for fiscal year 2013 and there was no Group Award Program payout authorized.

This does not apply to FY14, which encompasses Oct. 1, 2013, to Sept. 30, 2014. An agreement has been reached between Anniston Army Depot leadership and American Federation of Government Employees Local 1945 on the GAP for this year.

A GAP is a group-based incentive program designed to motivate the total workforce into working together as a singular unit or team. The installation workforce receives a monetary award/cash payout for meeting and/or exceeding pre-established metrics.

The planned Net Operating Result for FY14 must be better than planned in order to make a cash payout and must be based on the President's FY15 Army Working Capital Fund budget.


Five business metrics are established and incremental goals for each constitute levels of payout potential, up to $300 each. This could provide a maximum payout of $1,500.

These metrics are:

• Productive Yield

• Performance to Promise

• Quality efficiencies

• Safety efficiencies

• Inventory management

The metric goals and tracking will be provided in the May 8 edition of TRACKS. Currently, based on progress toward the metrics through March 31, the payout could be $825.

If safety improvements made by the workforce result in the safety metrics exceeding the marks set, the commander reserves the right to award any remaining dollars from the other metrics where the measurement is not met, resulting in a payout that may meet, but will not exceed, $1,500.

For award payout purposes, the depot commander can adjust the final results of the metric, either positively or negatively, to exclude factors completely external to the depot's metric performance. The commander also has the authority to adjust the maximum payout amount up or down, depending on the financial status of the depot.

The commander also has the authority to adjust given significant improvement in challenging areas within budgetary constraints. Based on extenuating circumstances, such as fiscal and budget limitations, a GAP payout can be cancelled in its entirety by the commander, or higher headquarters. Adjustments must be fully quantified with clear audit trails to support decisions made.

The reasons results may be adjusted include program cancellations, non-availability of assets which are beyond ANAD control, unforeseen equipment failures and a performance to promise process controlled by Army Materiel Command rather than ANAD leaders.

The results will not be adjusted for schedule slippages based on ANAD inefficiencies, inclement weather disrupting production for less than a week or internal parts inhibitors, such as parts not delivered to shops in a timely manner.

I'm confident ANAD personnel can achieve the set goals if we all do our part. See the information above for the current status of each of the five GAP metrics.


The policy and guidance for the FY14 GAP is based in AR 672-20, which governs incentive awards. The entire policy may be viewed on the ANAD Intranet as ANAD GAP FY14 Policy under Regulations & Policies and Commander's Policies.

Quality Step Increases and individual monetary performance awards are not used when the depot is implementing GAP procedures. The only cash awards allowed during GAP are Army Suggestion Program awards, on-the-spot awards and special act awards. The period or act recognized in a special act award cannot be the same period/act recognized by the GAP.

The GAP payout takes place within two months of the end of the award period and after verification of final metric results by the Depot Operations Office.

The ANAD High School Cooperative Education Program is exempt from the GAP payout because students are in a training mode.


An employee must meet all of the following eligibility criteria (during the award period) in order to receive a GAP payout:

a. At least a fully successful (success level is a minimum of 3) performance rating.

b. Employed at ANAD on the last workday of the award period. Employees who work only a portion of the year for ANAD and then transfer to a local Department of the Army tenant organization during the award period are eligible if they are employed with the tenant at the end of the award period. Their award payout is prorated in accordance with paragraph "d" below.

c. Disciplinary actions: Employees with documented disciplinary or adverse actions based on performance or conduct which occurred during FY14 are not eligible for the GAP. For those employees with pending disciplinary or adverse actions based on performance or conduct on Sept. 30, 2014, a balance of the GAP Award will be maintained for a potential payout later, depending on the outcome of the proposed actions. Pending actions are defined as actions with proposal letters issued by Sept. 30, 2014. Funds will remain payable until the appeal process is exhausted. Written reprimands will not affect eligibility for the GAP payout.

d. Work status:

(1) Eligible employees who were in a work status (available work year hours) for one-half of the award period (1,040 hours), will receive the full amount of the GAP.

(2) Eligible employees who were in a work status one-fourth or more, but less than one-half of the available work year hours (520 to 1,039 hours) during the award period will receive one-half of the GAP payout.

(3) Eligible employees who were in a work status less than one-fourth of the available work year hours (160 to 519 hours) during the award period will receive one-fourth of the GAP payout.

(4) Employees who were in a work status for less than 160 hours during the award period will not receive a GAP payout.

Annual leave hours, military leave hours and leave without pay due to military active duty will be counted as being in a work status. Sick leave, all other LWOP and donated leave hours are not counted as being in a work status.


Metric Area Percent of Max. Projected payout

Productive Yield

- Productive Yield Direct 0 percent $0

- Productive Yield Indirect 0 percent $0

Performance to Promise

- Production 125 percent $300

Quality Efficiencies

- Quality 0 percent $0

- ISO 9001 Certification 100 percent $150

Safety Efficiencies

- Recordable Injury Rate 50 percent $75

- Lost Time Rate 100 percent $150

Inventory Management

- Inventory Turns 0 percent $0

- Excess Material 100 percent $150