Seeing Both Sides Transcript

By U.S. ArmyApril 14, 2014

Dr. Ahmad Jawaid says the changes that have taken place over the last 12 years are remarkable. Afghanistan, he says, is a different place. "The country has made a lot of progress, you can see change everywhere"

Since 2001, Afghanistan has seen significant change. Security and stability are boosting economic growth, and Afghans today, are connected. "They use iphones, facebook and they share information, which is a huge step forward".

A trained physician, Jawaid uses his medical skills as a cultural advisor for U.S. Forces, bringing accurate translation and candid insights into afghan ways.

This interview he says, is a good example. Brazia Rahimi, has served her country since 1974, and like Jawaid, has seen many changes. "The difference can be seen by you interviewing me, it was not possible awhile ago to have an interview."

He left Afghanistan 6 years ago for a new life in America. He returned a U.S. Citizen, looking to contribute both to his adopted country, and the land of his birth.

"I have made a difference. I miss medicine, I miss practicing medicine, but I think what I have done and what I'm doing, is well worth it."

Jawaid says the optimism he carries for this nation is shared by many. That the advancements in place set a foundation for more, that Afghanistan will never be what it was.

Gail McCabe, Kabul

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Seeing Both Sides Transcript [PDF]

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