Science of eggs, pasta, Legos on display at Schweinfurt's Steam Fest

By Daniel Wilson, Schweinfurt Elementary SchoolApril 10, 2014

Science of eggs, pasta, Legos on display at Schweinfurt's Steam Fest
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

SCHWEINFURT, Germany (April 10, 2014) -- When most people use the word STEAM, they are probably referring to the gas that appears as they cook spaghetti. But at Schweinfurt Elementary School, STEAM stands for using creativity, projects and engineering to create learning.

STEAM -- or Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math -- was on display during the SES STEAM Fest. Most grades displayed projects that reflected the different standards and units they were covering.

Kindergarten produced displays on animal habitats and plant development, while some first graders had developed computer games that could help differentiate between the properties of life. Other first through third grade SES projects included developing "igloos" to insulate ice cube "penguins," making symmetrical log cabins, testing the aerodynamics of paper airplanes and developing websites.

The fourth through sixth grade students, however, were not to be left out. They were involved with creating Rube Goldberg-inspired machines to hit a nail, developing a model house to scale, creating ping pong catapults, inventing self-propelled Mardi Gras floats, designing habitats for endangered animals, testing the effectiveness of a loop airplane, and using newspaper to design the most effective marble ramps.

Creativity is an integral part of the process of STEAM, and fine arts teachers filled up the middle of the gym with ceramic projects and self-designed instruments.

These projects on display were only one piece of the STEAM Fest. Arranged throughout the gym were more than 30 different hands-on activities that students and Families could experience with guidance of the SES/SMHS faculty. These activities ranged from learning about Bernoulli's principle using wind bags and ping pong balls to learning about Einstein's view of gravity using spandex and marbles.

Many Families also had the chance to take mini-tours of the SES Star Lab, an indoor planetarium that allows students to explore the constellations and figuratively visit planets, stars and other galaxies.

Four family competitions also gave parents the chance to get involved with the STEAM experience. Some Families experimented using the three primary colors to paint the color wheel, while others designed towers of pasta using spaghetti and marshmallows.

The egg drop challenge pitted Families against each other to develop a protective shuttle in which to place their "egg"stronaut. Given only 30 minutes, most eggs survived the two-story drop.

Developing a Lego car to deploy may have been the hit of the night as students tested out different designs by rolling them down a more than 20-meter ramp.

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Schweinfurt Elementary School

More photos from STEAM night