Freedom 6 Sends: Strategic Priorities -- Soldiers Committed to Our Army Profession

By Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell, Jr., U.S. Army EuropeApril 3, 2014

Hello USAREUR Team,

The Chief of Staff of the Army's next strategic priority is, in my opinion, the most vital and all encompassing priority, as the foundation for everything that we are and achieve is built upon the commitment of Soldiers to our Army profession.

In this priority, the CSA charges us to enforce a professional environment across our Army, free of harassment that promotes and respects the individual dignity of all Soldiers and Civilians, allowing them to realize their full potential.

As part of our honored profession, not only must we preserve the earned trust of the American people and their confidence in our Army, but we must earn and preserve the trust that all Soldiers place in their leaders and in their chain of command.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and I would like to take this opportunity to focus on Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention, because Soldiers who are committed to our Army profession are committed to combating this issue. Sexual Assault is a serious challenge facing the Army Family; to address the issue, as part of the Army's Ready and Resilient Campaign, U.S. Army Europe will conduct a theater-wide Ready and Resilient Day focused on SHARP this month.

The Army SHARP Program reinforces our commitment to eradicating sexual harassment and sexual assault through a comprehensive policy that centers on awareness and prevention; training and education; victim advocacy; and response, reporting, accountability, and program assessment.

Our profession demands equal weight on character, commitment and competence. That's why

I expect leaders at every level to establish a climate of trust and accountability reinforced by continuous education and training; continue to conduct assessments using tools available in order for prevention and response efforts to be successful. In the end, it is the Soldiers who are committed to our Army profession, who are disciplined and adhere to our Army Values, who will win the fight against sexual harassment and assault.

I am continually impressed as I travel around United States Army Europe; whether it's at a unit or an installation, I see increased leader engagement and Soldiers at every level looking for ways to combat the serious issues that face our force today, committed to our Army profession. I am certain that we are on the right path; together we can accomplish any mission, overcome any challenge and truly exemplify what it means to serve in the Profession of Arms.

Strong Soldiers, Strong Teams!

-Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell, Jr.

Freedom 6

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