Garrison recognizes inspirational employees

By Karl WeiselJanuary 14, 2014

Garrison recognizes inspirational employees
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

WIESBADEN, Germany - It was billed as the ICE Emmy Awards.

Employees receiving multiple commendations by customers through the Interactive Customer Evaluation program were recognized in front of most of the workforce in the Wiesbaden Fitness Center during the garrison's all-hands get-together Dec. 19.

"Between the furlough, sequestration and the move of U.S. Army Europe Headquarters from Heidelberg to Wiesbaden, it's been a challenging year," said Col. David Carstens, USAG Wiesbaden commander, adding, "As a garrison commander, rarely have I been prouder of the workforce."

Thanking the local national employees and service members who took the lead to help ensure that services weren't dramatically curtailed during the federal shutdown, Carstens said, "I'm proud of you, and I'd like to give you a round of applause."

After talking about the various initiatives and focal points that came out of the garrison's recent two-day Strategic Planning Conference (including further efforts to end sexual assault, enhanced sponsorship, wellness, resiliency through sports, increased youth activities, leadership and workforce development), Carstens said it's crucial that "after more than a decade of war we do some very important things for our community."

Among those is helping Soldiers and families cope with the new challenges that will come their way. "That's what being ready and resilient is all about," Carstens said.

"As the Army gets smaller, we must get healthier to go forward and fight." Regarding wellness, Carstens said, "I asked the staff to focus not just on Soldier wellness, but civilian wellness as well."

Arne Curtis, director of the Plans, Analysis and Integration Office, introduced the garrison's latest effort to recognize outstanding service among the workforce.

"In our garrison there are many employees who inspire us," Curtis said. "Today we will take the time to recognize a few. … We will now present the garrison ICE Emmy Awards. The ICE Emmy is awarded to employees who stand out for receiving multiple, exceptional ICE comments from our customers."

As their names were called, each of the honorees came forward to be recognized by the garrison commander. ICE Emmy winners present included Abner Davila from the Postal Service Center; Abdelkader Guerba from the Directorate of Public Works' Environmental Office; Cengiz Bruce Philbrick from Child, Youth and School Services; Charles Fitchett from the Directorate of Human Resources; Staff Sgt. Jeanpaul La Rue from the Vehicle Registration Office and DHR's Tamekia Reed.

Then it was time for a special presentation.

"Today the garrison command and staff is proud to introduce and award the first United States Army Garrison Wiesbaden Quarterly Team Award," Curtis said. "This initiative is yet another positive outcome of your strategic planning process, and it will serve to recognize high performing teams operating throughout our garrison."

The winner of the team award was the DPW Sign Production Team including Andreas Rode, Dieter Hoehn, Juergen Knoetig, Klaus Schick, Uwe Lichter, Peter Schneider, Kay Kuttler, Wolfgang Hoehn and Juergen Steinbach. A photo of the team and details on the winning effort will be displayed in the garrison headquarters until the next team is selected, Curtis said.

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