BGAD Commander visits ANMC leadership, workforce

By Mrs. Jennifer Bacchus (AMC)December 5, 2013

BGAD Commander visits ANMC leadership, workforce
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

ANNISTON ARMY DEPOT, Ala. -- Col. Lee Hudson, commander of Blue Grass Army Depot, the higher headquarters of the Anniston Munitions Center, toured the center's operations Monday and Tuesday.

Hudson attempted to make the trip to ANMC several times since taking command in June, but budgetary issues delayed him until this week.

"I wanted and needed to get down here to understand the nature of ANMC's operations," said Hudson. "It's an opportunity to not only meet the workforce, but also tackle issues from the center's perspective."

Hudson said he is currently touring the operations within the BGAD command with an eye on investments that need to be made and efficiencies which can be implemented.

"We always appreciate the opportunity to showcase the great work being done by the employees at ANMC to our senior leaders," said Lt. Col. David Schmitt, commander of ANMC. "We believe Col. Hudson left with a better understanding of the work we do and challenges we face, and it means a lot to the workforce that he was able to visit ANMC."

During his visit to ANMC, Hudson toured the demolition operations, Multiple Launch Rocket System Recycle Center, TOW Missile Recycle Center and the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense storage facilities.

At the demilitarization range, Hudson viewed the newly constructed storage magazines, which provide the range with close, secure storage.

The robotic equipment and automated operations of the MLRS facility gave Hudson a view of what is possible for munitions recycling, which impressed him.

He also enjoyed touring the TOW Missile Recycle Facility, which is the only one facility capable of recycling the Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided Missile system.

But, Hudson most enjoyed seeing the people.

"The morale of the workforce here appears to be really good," he said. "I commend the leadership. ANMC has a good, solid team."

Hudson plans to make several more trips to the area during his time in command and looks forward to seeing more of the ANMC workforce.

"I am proud of them," he said. " It is clearly evident this workforce is comprised of professionals who take their work seriously. I appreciate them and look forward to getting to know them better."