Commander's Corner - Vacation is time to recharge batteries

By Col. Dave Hall (USAG-Yongsan)August 7, 2008

Vacation: Time to Recharge
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Col. Dave Hall
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Even though the President's visit to Yongsan on Wednesday created some traffic congestion on Yongsan Garrison, you may have noticed a little less traffic in Seoul this week. That's because millions of our Korean neighbors are on vacation. Many local businesses closed their doors as they traded business suits for vacation garb.

Busan's Haeundae Beach set a record with 1 million visitors Saturday and 900,000 visitors Sunday. There's a safety message here. As people begin to return to Seoul this weekend, we need to be extra careful on the road.

It also brings up another important point. Taking a vacation is a good way to decompress and to recharge your batteries. I encourage you to take full advantage of this benefit. Take some time to get away from the office or work environment and enjoy yourself.

Supervisors, review leave schedules with your staff. Ensure your Servicemembers and employees do not get into a "use-or-lose" leave situation. This can be accomplished by coordinating vacation schedules and plugging them into a master plan.

Plan your vacation well. Have fun and relax. Don't schedule too many activities or have an agenda so tight it causes you to stress out. Remember, the purpose of a vacation is to unwind.

Asia offers many spectacular sights and vacation opportunities, so you don't have to travel far if you don't want to. There is a lot to do and see right here in Korea. Visit our community activity centers or the USO for tour and travel information.

I want you to come back refreshed and ready to continue the mission, but most importantly I want you to come back safe. Have a great vacation!

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USAG-Yongsan Official Web Site