210th Fires Brigade hosts Thunder Fitness Challenge

By Staff Sgt. Carlos Davis (2d ID)November 4, 2013

210th Fires Brigade hosts Thunder Fitness Challenge
Soldiers from the 210th Fires Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division competed in the first ever Thunder Fitness Challenge Oct. 30, 2013 on Camp Casey. Of the 104 Soldiers who competed, only 14 Soldiers achieved the standard of the challenge. To qualify for t... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The third place winner:

Coming in a cool third place in the Thunder Fitness Competition is Sgt. 1st Class Jordan Lee, a native of Saratoga, Calif., a multiple launch rocket system crewmember assigned to A Battery, 1st Battalion, 38th Field Artillery Regiment, 210th Fires Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division.

Here is what he thinks of the competition:

How does it feel to finish in the top three?

This competition provides Soldiers something to look forward to. It is something different than just regular physical fitness. It feels good to come out here and perform the way I did after putting in all the extra time of training on my personal time.

How did you prepare for competition?

I push it hard during physical fitness training every morning and in my free time I go to the gym four to five times a week for 40-45 minutes.

What would you say to Soldiers who are thinking about competing in this completion in the future?

The one thing all Soldiers need to understand is being physically fit is something the Army pays you to do. Take time out of your schedule and go to the gym because once you start seeing results then you will gain more confidence in yourself and make you feel good. So my advice to all Soldiers is being physically fit is not something you do, it is a lifestyle. Being physically fit means getting proper sleep and proper eating because all that stuff comes into play when you start striving for physical excellence.

Why is it important for Soldiers to be good physical condition?

We are surrounded by a lot of hills and the rugged terrain, so if we were called upon to go to war and we lose our vehicles for whatever reason we have all these hills we will have to climb. So being in good physical condition allows us to stay mission ready. Also, you don't want to be the one who didn't give your best when you are called upon.

Related Links:

The Indianhead, the 2nd Infantry Division online newspaper

2nd Infantry Division Webpage

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2nd Infantry Division (Official Page)

The Third Place Winner