Korea National Police appreciates Camp Casey CID

By PFC Lee, Dong-hyunOctober 31, 2013

CAMP RED CLOUD, Korea- It is quite an unusual occurrence to see an agent of the Criminal Investigation Division, CID in uniform. They normally wear civilian suits when they work. However, Chief Warrant Officer 3 Unsil Lee, special agent-in-charge of the Camp Casey CID Office, arrived to the police agency in Army Service Uniform for something other than her job.

It is an unprecedented event in Area 1 that a CID agent receives a certificate of appreciation from Korea National Police, KNP. Lee received a certificate of appreciation from Chief Superintendent General Lee Man-hui, commissioner of the Gyeonggi Provincial Agency at Gyeonggi Provincial Police Agency 2nd Office, Uijeongbu, Korea in late October.

As a special agent-in-charge of the Camp Casey CID office, Lee has been doing a tremendous job in supporting joint criminal investigations along with KNP, in drug related crimes.

"Drug crimes committed by the U.S. Soldiers have been a problem in the area, and the assistance of CID agents was vital in drug crime investigations," said local police Lt. Kim Chul-won, chief inspector of International Investigation Squad, Gyeonggi Provincial Police Agency 2nd Office. "Since 2012 when Lee took charge of the Camp Casey CID Office, we have been very successful in rounding up drug criminals."

Kim added that three to four years ago the number of yearly drug crimes was about 20, but now it is almost at zero. In addition to drug crimes, Lee has lead several joint investigations of big crimes such as one million dollar defraudation committed by Korean labor union manager and 10 million dollar fraudulent delivery contract.

"I've accomplished a lot as a leader of the Camp Casey CID office," said Lee. "Thanks to the hard work of my agents, investigators and KNP officers."

She emphasized that the role of KNP officers is important because CID does not have any authority to investigate off-post in Korea. "Friendly relationship with KNP should be promoted through official and unofficial gatherings," she said.

One of the factors that may have helped Lee's success with KNP is that she is a Korean-American. The absence of language barrier and cultural difference made the joint-investigation process easier. Furthermore, the Camp Casey CID personnel say that she is a great leader.

"She is very thorough at the workplace," said Cho sung-chun, criminal investigator of the Camp Casey CID office. "I have been working here for 12 years, and I can definitely say that Lee is the best professional among past special agents-in-charge of our office."

The achievements of Lee were also highly recognized by the U.S. Army. She is Chief Warrant Officer 3 promotable, and soon will be promoted to Chief Warrant Officer 4.