Chemical Leak at Blue Grass Army Depot

By Richard SloanJuly 29, 2008

Blue Grass Chemical Activity, Richmond, KY. - Army officials confirmed today that a mobile laboratory conducting a routine weekly check of the ambient air inside one of the chemical agent storage igloos tested positive for the blister agent H (Mustard). The igloo contains 155 millimeter H-agent artillery projectiles. The detection of low level vapor is the first confirmed detection of H-agent since August 7, 2005. The igloo has been placed under continuous filtration until corrective action can be completed.

Experienced toxic chemical workers will begin planning to enter the igloo dressed in appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to make a physical inspection of the projectiles, identify the source of the leak, and correct it. All worker and public safety precautions will be in place prior to entry. The igloo will remain under continuous filtration to ensure that any agent vapor within the igloo cannot escape to the outside atmosphere. State and County officials as well as the public will be updated consistent with existing agreements to ensure transparency.

This leak is not a danger to the community or the environment. Madison County, surrounding counties, and Kentucky emergency management officials were notified immediately of the vapor detection and will be continuously updated of any new developments.