2013 Domestic Violence Awareness Month

By OCPA & JFHQ-NCR/MDW Public AffairsOctober 9, 2013

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The Domestic Violence Awareness Month campaign is developed to protect and honor one the most important assets of the Army -- the family -- as they are a vital part of our nation's security through the foundation they provide to our Soldiers. With the theme, End Domestic Violence: Recognize It, Report It, Prevent, the focus of the campaign is to raise awareness of domestic violence, inform victims that help is available and emphasize the negative impact it has on family readiness.

The U.S. Army Installation Management Command is making a concerted effort during Domestic Violence Awareness Month to highlight the Army's resources that support the resilience of Army families. The Army provides varying degrees of resources everyone can use to prevent domestic abuse and develop skills to help restore stability and health through the Army's Family Advocacy Program, a congressionally mandated program intended to prevent and reduce the occurrence of family violence. Resources include support groups for young parents, reintegration programs for families experiencing deployment and redeployment stress, and programs on anger management, dating violence and gender issues.

Throughout the month of October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month campaigns will be executed at each garrison to highlight prevention programs and services to Soldiers and family members. These programs are designed to promote awareness, encourage reporting, provide safety for victims, and ensure treatment or administrative action for offenders with special emphasis on services for junior enlisted Soldiers and their spouse or intimate partner. Family Advocacy Program's preventive educational programs are a primary resource for Army families to learn these life skills.

Domestic abuse has negative effects on family readiness and undermines quality of life. The Army is committed to fully support families and overcome negative events that diminish health and well being. We all must acknowledge that interpersonal violence is wrong, reach out to support victims, hold offenders accountable and create a climate of safety and respect.

Related Links:

Joint Force Headquarters - National Capital Region and the U.S. Army Military District of Washington

Army "Stand To!" website

U.S. Army Domestic Violence Awareness Month website

Presidential Proclamation