Staff support vital to strategic goals

By Tereasa Wade, KAHC Public Affairs OfficerJune 20, 2013

Staff support vital to strategic goals
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT LEE, Va. (June 20, 2013) -- The No. 1 priority at Kenner Army Health Clinic is the care and well-being of patients. The team is dedicated to delivering optimized health care to meet the needs of beneficiaries.

In the process of delivering world-class health care, clinic leaders must also consider the needs of KAHC staff to ensure they remain at their peak performance; mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. To ensure the staff's care and well-being are considered, the Army Medical Command established the Care Provider Support Program, which focuses on a provider using a mind-body-spiritual approach to resiliency.

"This program is designed to assist direct care providers, clinical and support staff to increase wellness against burnout and compassion fatigue," said Dr. James E. Walker, the CPSP program director and trainer for KAHC.

Part of the Care Providers Support Program is the addition of a rejuvenation room for staff. The rejuvenation room is a designated place where they can go to recharge and renew in order to remain resilient. Practicing mindfulness reduces daily stress, distraction, irritation and agitation. Walker believes that, "consideration of others also enhances personal and organizational resiliency."

Col. Thomas S. Bundt, KAHC commander, added "consideration of others is the dual relationship of the patient and provider involved with health care delivery. Having an awareness of the impact of one's own behavior on others is the first step to enhancing relationships. Your own interactive relationship with the members of your health care team, which is part of the philosophy of the Primary Care Medical Home Model, will enhance communications, improve outcomes and establish an appreciation for everyone in the process of health care delivery. This enhanced relationship is something we continually strive for."

There will be times when you do not agree with your provider about the care that you are will be receiving. Should this occur, please remember sensitivity and mutual respect goes a long way to building stronger relationships and mutual understanding. Everyone has a role in this process.

Another way to help Kenner staff remain resilient is to have patients provide suggestions or concerns regarding their care directly with the treatment team. They include your provider, nurse, social worker, pharmacist, therapist and other professionals involved with your medical care. Patients who still have concerns, ask to speak with the noncommissioned officer in charge, their supervisor or the chief of the service department. If beneficiaries still feel their concerns are not being addressed by the treatment team, they may choose to contact the Kenner Patient Advocate. A Patient Advocate is an employee who is specifically designated to manage the feedback received from service members and beneficiaries. The Patient Advocate works with the staff and management to facilitate resolutions. It is the clinic's intent to ensure you receive prompt feedback and information to help make more informed health care decisions and continue in the positive management of your overall health.