Active fathers increase health, wellness

By Lisa Jansen-Rees, Fort Sill Family Advocacy ProgramMay 30, 2013

FORT SILL, Okla. (May 30, 2013) -- When fathers are actively engaged in their children's lives, whether in the same house or from a distance, their children bloom with higher IQs, higher standardized test scores, increased health, mental health, confidence and resilience, higher academic achievement, and better dating relationships when the time comes.

And the dads don't fare so badly from this interaction either.

Research shows men who are positively, actively engaged with their young children are more likely to be successful, emotionally mature and financially stable during mid-life. The key to remember when it comes to this interaction equation is quality counts. And, there are many quality fatherhood roles for men to play.

Playful Dad.

Play is the work of children and the silly, boisterous, funny games that dads play help with children's growth and development.

Mr. Moneybags.

Whether providing for economically, serving as a role model at being a wage earner, or teaching about money through allowance or reward, this is a role that dads play differently than moms. Celebrate the difference.

Professor Dad.

When dads teach, kids listen. Whether it's how to cook a meal, do laundry, or math homework, children remember the life lessons that they were taught by their dad.

Hero Dad.Dads regularly advocate for and protect their children from life's dangers. When your dad is your hero you can take on the world!

Nurturing Dad.

Despite the old stereotypes, research shows that dads are just as nurturing as moms, showing affection physically when children are young and emotionally as children grow older.

Disciplinarian Dad.

Kids know what types of behavior are acceptable and what the consequences for bad behavior are when dads take the time to fulfill the role of disciplinarian in their child's life.

Wise Old Dad.

When dads use quotes, books, their own life stories and serve as a role model for their children they are passing along their values to the next generation. If you don't think you play this role, just ask the kids what your favorite sayings are.

Although it's much easier for dads to be positively, actively involved in their children's lives when they reside in the same home the benefits of father Involvement far outweigh the challenges associated with parenting from a distance, whether that is due to divorce or deployment. Let's take June and support the dads in our own lives, and in the lives of the children served by our organizations, as they creatively endeavor to fulfill these roles.