Army Materiel Command hosts Industry Forums

By AMC Public AffairsApril 19, 2013

REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala. - The U.S. Army Materiel Command hosted an Industry Forum here, April 11. Twelve presidents and CEOs, primarily from defense contractors, met with AMC leaders and staff to discuss Warfighter and industry needs and concerns.

"At the forum the AMC Commander and industry CEOs/Presidents are able to openly discuss issues, needs, identify areas of concern, and collaborate on future initiatives important to sustaining the Joint Warfighter," said Jesse Barber, AMC Ombudsman.

Barber said the forums provide a vital venue for collaboration between AMC and industry, with a focus on partnerships.

"The goal of hosting industry forums is to demonstrate the AMC Commander's commitment to the industrial base and to keeping the direct lines of communication open between the AMC Commander and the CEOs of industry," Barber said. "By focusing on communications and sustaining the industrial base, the AMC Commander and industry leaders can jointly collaborate on how to tackle problems that could have a detrimental impact on the Joint Warfighter."

This was the first Industry Forum held by AMC since early 2011 due to the move of the headquarters to Redstone Arsenal, Ala. from Fort Belvoir, Va. AMC will hold three forums a year, with two focused on larger companies, and one with a small business focus.

AMC's Office of Small Business Programs plays a key role in building relationships between AMC and industry.

"Small businesses are essential to our nation's economic recovery," said Nancy Small, Small Business director. "It is the role of the Small Business Office to help facilitate interest and partnerships with industry to establish long term relationships in order to obtain goods and services for the Army."

"Industry days, as well as pre-solicitation and pre-proposal conferences, directly benefit the government by communicating internally and externally the Army's future during these austere times of fiscal reality," she said. "These events also benefit industry -- especially small businesses -- by providing prime contractors and subcontractors an opportunity to meet and develop relationships or teaming agreements that benefit contract performance. The value of these events derives from the government providing the maximum information to industry, answering questions, and improving the communications with industry."

Small stressed the need for partnerships to accomplish AMC's complex mission. "AMC relies on the industrial base to provide innovation and the best technology and support services for our warfighters," she said. "Integrating the Army and industry is the right thing to do for our nation."

Information on the AMC Office of Small Business Programs can be found at . For more information on partnership opportunities with AMC, visit

Related Links:

AMC Partnership Opportunities

AMC Small Business Programs