North Twins Following Each Other Thru Life

By Mr. Pat Adelmann (USAREC)May 1, 2013

North twins following each other thru life
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

MILWAUKEE -- Daniel and Travis Buhrow have followed each other around since birth. The twin brothers have done almost everything together; from walking to wrestling and everything in between. Now they will follow each other to basic training.

Although the brothers share the desire to become Soldiers, their reasons for joining are a little different. Just like the career paths they will follow.

"I wanted to join the Army because our mom was in the Army and our great uncle was in the Navy for more than 10 years. So I don't know, I kind of see it like a family thing," said Travis.

Daniel agrees with his brother but says "I feel like it's our duty as Americans to help America in any way possible and I feel that being in the Army is one of the best ways."

Staff Sgt. Richard McKillop, the twin's recruiter, saw the similarities in the brothers, but also learned they were their own people during the enlistment process.

"I learned to make sure I find something identifying about them so that I can always tell which one is which," said McKillop of the identical twins. "On a more serious note I learned that even though they are twins, they are two independent people, with their own goals, passions, and interests."

Those goals, passions and interests will lead the brothers down their own paths. Although they may be similar paths, they show the brothers individuality.

Daniel will lead the twins down their new path as he heads to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., July 1, 2013 for basic combat training before moving to Fort Sill, Okla., to train as a cannon crewmember.

"It just has a lot of stuff that I like doing, like being outdoors and shooting bigger guns," said Daniel about his desire to become a member of the Army's Field Artillery. Guns don't get much larger than the Paladin, a 155mm self-propelled howitzer. As a cannon crewmember, the Paladin is one of many weapon systems Daniel may be able to fire.

Travis will be heading to Fort Benning, Ga., Aug. 12 to get behind the wheel of the 67-ton M-1A2 Abrams main battle tank.

"In a tank there are four people that work as a team to move this massive machine," said Travis. "I just think it is really interesting that people are a team and have that kind of power at their hands."

The power at their hands comes from a 1,500 horsepower multi-fuel turbine engine which can reach top speeds of more than 45 mph. Not to mention the 120mm smoothbore main gun that can reach out to targets more than 1.5 miles away.

While the brothers don't share the same career paths in the Army, they have added one more thing that binds them together, the title of Soldier.

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