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Social media is a powerful tool we use to post timely and relevant information to keep our audiences informed. It provides commanders with an effective tool to achieve their communication objectives and assists them with meeting the information needs of their audiences. It offers an opportunity to inform and engage with the public.

Social media is inherently risky. Commanders must understand that they are assuming some risks when posting online, which can result in communication errors, audience misinterpretation and other unintended consequences. With the right knowledge, tools and approach, you can minimize these risks while maintaining public communication with your audience.

This website will acquaint you with your role in Army social media and provide you with policies, guidance and recommendations on how you can become a more effective communicator and representative of the U.S. Army - creating an environment where trusted information is disseminated to the Army Family and the public.


  • Personal accounts must be clearly identifiable as personal.
  • Avoid use of DoD titles, insignia, uniforms or symbols in a way that could imply DoD sanction or endorsement of the content.
  • It is recommended that Soldiers include a non-endorsement disclaimer when posting any content featuring official titles, insignia, uniforms, symbols or otherwise identifying themselves as service members.
  • The following sample disclaimer can be used in the Soldier’s social media platform bio, or as the caption or first comment of each relevant social media post: The views and opinions presented herein are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or its Components. Appearance of, or reference to, any commercial products or services does not constitute DoD endorsement of those products or services. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of the linked websites, or the information, products or services therein.
  • It's acceptable to forward, link and share official information on personal accounts if it is not done in a way that implies official DoD endorsement.

Click the link below for more information about personal social media use


  • Any content posted to an official Army social media account is official communication, regardless of the format.
  • Public affairs officers publishing to social media in an official capacity must have delegated release authority and completed OPSEC II training.
  • Commanders may designate personnel as social media managers who do not require release authority. However, a PAO must provide oversight and approve information prior to release. Social media managers must complete OPSEC Awareness for Military Members, DOD Employees and Contractors.
  • Contractors may not speak on behalf of the government. Any publishing by contractor personnel must be approved by a PAO.
  • All official accounts must follow federal records management requirements.
  • Official and personal accounts must be distinctly separate. A personal account cannot be converted to an official account, and an official account cannot be converted to a personal account.
  • Accounts must be registered. Learn more about registering official accounts.
  • A “verified” personal account on a social media platform does not constitute an official DoD account.

Click the link below for more information about official social media use

Personal and official accounts must be distinctly separate. A personal account cannot be converted to an official account, and an official account cannot be converted to a personal account.





  • UPAR Bridging Course
    1. Navigate to
    2. Log in with your CAC
    3. Paste or type “APAC - Army Public Affairs Center” into the search bar
    4. Click “APAC - Army Public Affairs Center” to navigate to the APAC MilSuite page
    5. Click the “UPAR Bridging Course” link listed under “HELPFUL CMF46 CONTENT” on the right side of the page
    6. Review the UPAR training materials (MFR, ALARACT and slides)


Official accounts must have OPSEC Level II qualified personnel within the release authority in order to release any information to the public. See additional manadtory and recommended training.

External Links Disclaimer: The appearance of hyperlinks to external sites does not constitute endorsement by the Department of the Army of the linked website or the information, products or services contained therein. For other than authorized activities such as military exchanges and Morale, Welfare and Recreation sites, the Department of the Army does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. Such links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this DoD website.

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If you are experiencing difficulty with any of the following issues, here are some resources that may help.


There are many different types of online fraud and cybercrimes. U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID) receives hundreds of reports a month from individuals who have fallen victim to a scam perpetrated by a person impersonating a U.S. Soldier online.
Learn how to report a suspected scam


Soldiers, especially leaders, are prime targets for identity thieves who will use images posted online to create fake accounts. It is good practice to search sites regularly for impostors. Impostor accounts are violations of terms of use agreements.
Report an imposter social media account


Misusing online communications (online bullying), sending harassing or intimidating communications and images, or other online misconduct may violate existing federal laws under the U.S. Code and may also be a violation of the UCMJ. Regulation 600-20 authorizes commanders to punish Soldiers who are in violation of its direction, making failure to adhere to the Army's rules for online behavior a punishable offense under the UCMJ. There are mechanisms for reporting online misconduct.
Learn how to report misconduct.


First, contact the respective social media platform lead at the Office of the Chief of Public Affairs Digital Media Division. The DMD POC will contact the platform on your behalf.
See additional actions and safety guidance.

What PAOs, social media managers, and Soldiers need to know about DoDI 5400.17 CLICK TO LEARN MORE back to top